Chapter 38

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                              Mehek and Shaurya sat around the dining table when Awara served them coffee and snacks. Once Shaurya perceived that Mehek is not his hallucination but very real, he went on mute mode. Thankfully Mehek took charge of the situation told him that they need to talk in private. She swiftly ordered Awara for coffee and walked towards the dining room. Awara knew the tension between the couple and despite his anxiety, left them alone quickly. Soon silence reigned the room, except for the sound of the old ceiling fan.

Shaurya never ever imagined that Mehek will ever make a reappearance infront of him. He always thought they may encounter eachother accidentally. Even then he expected Mehek to have walked away ignoring him. He stole few glances at her.  It was evident that she had changed, for good. She is now confident and brave. Else his old Mehek would have never mustered enough courage to walk into a drug den. 

Shaurya wanted to talk with her. Words brimmed but he lacked topics. What shall he tell her? About their past? Will it bring any good rather than heart ache? No, his inner voice echoed in his thoughts. Shall I ask about her present life? He wasn't sure whether Mehek will be comfortable to share her current life with him. Shaurya had kept tabs on Mehek for long until he was sure that Yasmin Qureshi bore no ill to Mehek. He knew that Mehek detested him and used her hatred to rebuild her life. It was crystal clear to him that she will never return to him. She had taken her life forward with support from therapy, her Aunt and her stable new career. He was happy for her.

Shaurya remained quiet and gave her chance to start.But Mehek couldn't initiate their conversation either. She tried to find her husband in the figure sitting before her but  failed miserably. Never in her dreams she expected to find Shaurya as a pure mess. He needs help, the naïve woman inside her peeped out. Ofcourse but i\he is not my obligation. His family should take care of him, she rebuked her weak self. Aren't you his family?, she whispred again. Not anymore, Mehek pushed her thoughts into dark corners for mind and took a sip of her coffee.

Why is she here?, finally rationale probed in Shaurya's mind. You know it, Shaurya. It's time, his inner voice confirmed it. The day Mehek gave back his ring, he had been dreading it. He knew that one day, he will be asked to sever the last thread that bond them. Divorce. Mehek possibly found a new direction in her life and want to give up unwanted chains from her past. He was dead weight for her and she deserved to cut him out. He tried his best to stay strong but his heart started to beat miles per hour. His sane part wanted Mehek to be happy and lead her life with a deserving partner. But there was still a possessive Shaurya whom he had caged and tortured for long. For him, it was unbearable to fathom that Mehek may belong to another man.

Awara reluctantly walked amidst them after several minutes. "Mehek Ma'am, what would you like to have for dinner?", he asked politely. "I am not staying, Awara. I have to leave soon", she informed. Shaurya got startled and pitched in, "It's already late and not safe to travel". Awara nodded in agreement but Mehek told boldly, "I think I can handled myself". "Mehek, please", Shaurya begged her. She winced while she heard her name from him. It was laced with concern and pain. She nodded. "I will get the guest's soon settled", Awara took his leave. "Thanks Mehek", Shaurya expressed his gratitude as she listened to his pleas. Since discomfort was reduced a little, Mehek took the opportunity to speak, "I need your signatures in joint petition for divorce". She took a deep breath when she finished the sentence. It felt as if she had ran miles.

Her words pierced his soul and heart but he acted unperturbed. "Sure", he held his hands for the papers. Mehek was taken aback that he quickly agreed without a fight. Soon she felt disappointed. He never once told her about his mother's evil plot or that he never cheated with Nehal. "I left my bag in the room and papers are in it", Mehek managed to utter. "I will ask Awara to get them", Shaurya was about to call Awara but Mehek stopped him. "I will get it later. No need for Awara to know about it", she told quickly. Shaurya agreed. Awara had remained his close confidante and knew about problems in his life. Yet Shaurya didn't embarrass Mehek further and just nodded his head.

"Congrats", Shaurya told when she stood up to exit. Mehek knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "He is very lucky to have you. Wish you both have a happy and peaceful life", his wishes clarified her doubts. Shaurya misunderstood that she is getting married again. "What's his name?", Shaurya asked, trying not to sound too inquisitive,"if I may know". "Yuvaan", she replied. She glanced at her ring that hung around his neck. There was time, it meant a lot to her. In reflex, she added, "he is a 2 years old orphan". 

Mehek still couldn't understand her action. She needn't have to clarify anything to Shaurya. Hearing about Yuvaan, it was Shaurya's turn to be baffled so she continued, "I am planning to adopt him. Orphanage wants documents to prove that I am a single parent". "Oh", was only response he could muster. In few moments, he appeared happier while he extended his hand, "Then congrats on motherhood, Mehek. I am sure you will be a great mother". His words brought back too many painful memories yet it held an encouragement. Not many were in favour of her decision to adopt a child. Hence she badly needed it and she took his hand,accepting good wishes.

"I hope you spoil Yuvaan. Give him tons of love and pamper him with your care", Shaurya couldn't stop himself. Mehek smiled softly, "I am not sure about all of that. But I will always try my best to protect him", she told sadly, "unlike past". "Mehek, it was not your fault", he quickly retorted. But when he met her eyes silently asking him whose fault it was, he kept mum. Mehek still failed to understand why he wasn't defending himself. Finally he spoke, "it was my fault". She smirked, "is it?". When he remained quiet, she was left with no options. So she told her visit to Khanna mansion. In few minutes, Shaurya understood that she knows the truth.

Shaurya's silence was confusing Mehek. He was still not asking her to reconsider her decision. She was supposed to feel relieved but got irritated. Shaurya was not even trying. Vicky, Nehal and Karuna were better in their attempts.  "Vicky was aghast when he realised that I am still going ahead with divorce", Mehek spoke plainly. She tried to instigate him. Shauarya gave a wry smile, "My brother will never understand how miserably I failed as a husband. But you know it well. And me too. It is clear that I don't deserve any more chances". Mehek turned away to hide her tears and he walked away giving her privacy.

Mehek watched as Shaurya put his elegant signature on the papers. Only he knew the effort he had to put to refrain himself from trembling and breaking down. Few of the papers were mere agreement that although married, they are separated and he has no objection on Mehek's decision to adopt Yuvaan. Remaining were the usual petition of divorce. Going through the papers, he understood Mehek wanted nothing from him. Currently he was not in a shape to give her anything. Yet he asked her, "Do you want anything else?". Mehek shook he head and he smiled at her. 

"I am happy for you, Mehek. I really am", he told truly. "I wish I could say the same. But I can't", her words hit him hard. "I am worried for you, Shaurya", it slipped out of her mouth. But she quickly covered it, "I don't want to carry any guilt while moving ahead with my life. So please go back to Khanna mansion and try to get a grip of your life", she sighed, "This life is not what you deserve. Besides, your mother is really critical. Her sins can never be easily overlooked but she sick and needs you at this juncture of her life". "I tried Mehek. But she was more agitated in my presence. Her guilt worsened seeing me even when I tried to forget her faults. Her health worsened and Vicky advised me to stay away unless I clean-up ". "He is right, you should", Mehek told firmly.

"For whom?", he asked earnestly,"I have nothing to live for going back". She wanted to give him direction but failed. As if sensing her turmoil, he went on, "I lost all purpose of my life". "Then it's evident that you need to find one", Mehek tried to motivate him, "I have been hit worse, Shaurya. If I would have given up easily , then I would have missed meeting Yuvann and get chance to be his mother. So please don't give up". She wanted to hold him and squeeze him tight but restrained herself. "Will you help me, Mehek?", he asked eagerly. Mehek stood rigid while weighing her reply. "As a friend, yes I will help you", she replied honestly, "but nothing more than being a good friend".

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