Chapter 14

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                 Mehek smiled at another couple who had come to congratulate her & Shaurya. Her jaws began to pain due constant fake smiles and thanking guests. It was not in her genes to be comfortable being center of attraction. Still she tried her best to cope up. Shaurya was beside her most of the time. He played part of the husband who proudly introduced her to all. Finally most guests had felicitated the couple and people were busy enjoying the party. Mehek was relieved and Dilruba gave her some snacks to munch. She was happy to have Dilruba beside her. Only Dilruba remained friendly with Mehek. Ofcourse Shaurya treated her respectfully, still Mehek felt guilty in his presence. She regretted taking Nehal's place and overburdening Shaurya's life. Mehek tried to walk away from crowd and came into the broad balcony. Few guests smiled at her and she acknowledged them with a curt smile. She stood alone enjoying cool breeze.

"Mrs Khanna, are you alone?", few ladies marched to her, disturbing her peace. They were draped in expensive designer sarees and branded accessories. "Why don't you have a drink, Mrs Khanna?", one lady asked. "I don't drink, Auntyji", Mehek replied politely. "Auntyji??? so down market ", one of them scoffed at Mehek, "Address me as Mrs Das". Mehek quickly apologized for her mistake. Regardless of Mehek's attempt to avoid them, they persistently tried to converse with her. They had good command over English language and talked impeccably. Mehek stuttered whenever she replied them and became more & more nervous. Her broken English became weaker and she made several mistakes. They scrunched their noses at her responses and mocked her. "Aren't you educated? You seemed to be an illiterate village belle", one commented and they all laughed. Mehek became tearful and tried hard not to break before them. "Excuse me?", she tried to escape but they kept her amidst them. "Have you even gone to a school? I mean a proper school. You know an institution with a building and educated teachers who tutor pupils", another asked sarcastically. "I studied till 12th", Mehek sobbed a bit. "Gosh. You know Mrs Kapur, my gardener more educated than you", Mrs Das exclaimed and they all had fun on Mehek's expense. Tears finally spilled from her eyes and Mehek started to weep.

"Hello Ladies", voice of Shaurya made them to give way to him. They all grew a bit pale but tried to cover it up. "Comment allez-vous? J'espère que vous appréciez?", he asked them cheerfully. None understood and gaped at eachother. "OMG. Don't you understand French? Nowadays even kids speak French fluently. I hope you have gone to proper school", Shaurya taunted them. They all understood that he was paying back for Mehek's sake. He held crying Mehek closer and faced them, "English is just a language like any other language. If learned, then it can be mastered. But  culture and manners are inculcated through appropriate upbringing. Unlike some here, Mehek is rich in both". He led Mehek away from others. Ladies felt humilated and fumed. "Karuna, you set us up badly", one of the ladies murmured beneath her breath.

Mehek gazed at the her phone which was buzzing continuously. For past few days, Azaan had been trying to contact her numerous times but she ignored him. She didn't attend his call or reply his messages. Shaurya had led her to one of the suit room and asked her to rest. He had gone back to wrap up the reception while Mehek got some lone time. Events that occurred during their reception flashed before her eyes. She couldn't stop admiring Shaurya who stood tall to protect his wife's honour. She was so sad when those high society ladies taunted her. But in split of a second, Shaurya changed the scene. Never in her entire life she felt so secured and protected. At the same time, she felt ashamed to have put him in the situation. If he had been with Nehal, nothing similar would have had happened. She felt guilty for liking the man who loved her cousin.  Mehek rebuked herself for having soft spot for her husband. She will never exploit his kindness and good will.

"We are staying here for the night", Shaurya entered the suit without knocking and informed her. Mehek was surprised but nodded. She wondered whether she has to sleep in the heavy ethnic dress. But when Shauuya kept an overnight bag near her, she understood he had packed for her. Yet she stood indecisively as it was difficult to get out of her attire. The stylist had worked on her for quiet long to get the perfect look. "Is Dilruba gone?", after many deliberations she asked him. He nodded and looked up his phone. He threw a questioning glance at her but she didn't speak. She stayed mum while contemplating how to remove her clothing. "Is there anything wrong, Mehek? You seem to be disturbed", Shaurya asked but she was too nervous to reply. "Do you need help to change?", he asked casually but Mehek looked down in embarrassment.

"We are married, Mehek. There is no need to feel shy", he spoke while moving closer to her. But Mehek walked back in fear. Her reaction hurt and angered him but he tried to remain calm. "Sit", he told her, a bit strongly. Mehek quickly sat on the bed. "I agree that our marriage is not ideal nevertheless we are husband & wife. We cannot ignore our relationship and stay as strangers forever", he told her. "But we were not meant to be. My sister was supposed to be here", Mehek spoke feebly but still spoke her mind. "Yet you are here. A choice made by you", he told deliberately. Tears brimmed her eyes while she quickly spoke, "I didn't want to. I never dreamt to take her place. I am not a gold digger or opportunist". 

Although she wanted confess her helplessness, Shaurya misunderstood it as her rejection. She was in love with her boyfriend and never even considered me, while all the time I was loving her earnestly, his mind spewed poison. He swiftly stood up, "What you wanted or I wanted is not relevant anymore. We are bound by destiny and I believe in marriage. So I want to look upto future and work on our marriage. Does that make sense, Mehek?". She has to agree to him as she had no defences. Moreover, he made sense. 

When Mehek slowly nodded her head, he found a barbaric pleasure. He was afraid that given a choice she may still choose to return to Azaan. "Get up. Let me help you to undress", he commanded while Mehek was aghast. He pulled her up and started to remove her heavy jewelry. She was uncomfortable in the beginning but relaxed when she realised that he was just trying to help her. They were standing before full length mirror and Mehek could clearly see their image on it. 

"Karuna Aunty doesn't like me", she told softly. He didn't meet her eyes but remained focused on his task. "That's your problem to handle. All newly wedded brides usually face issues with their mother-in-laws. Don't expect me to pitch amidst the Saas-Bahu saga", he told plainly. Mehek wasn't complaining but trying to make him aware about his mother's take on their marriage. "She is not evil, Mehek. Just impulsive and sensitive. To add on it, she extremely protective about me. Give her some time and she will come around", he advised her and she agreed.

Shaurya quickly turned her to face him. He pulled her closer and Mehek shivered. Anticipation and fear started to build in her owing to his proximity. "Start addressing her as Mother. It's your right", he snaked his hands around her and touched her back, "Don't shy away from using your rights as my wife". Mehek looked at him with her eyes widened. She felt vulnerable being alone in a hotel room ,with a stranger as her husband who is now touching her inappropriately. Does this reference to rights has a hidden warning? Is he planning to exercise his rights on me tonight?, Mehek's heart drummed while he smirked at her.

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