Chapter 7

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                           Mehek was extremely disheartened by her failure. The vibes she felt and initial feedback from judges were all positive. Hence it was a shock when she was thrown out of the final round. All judges were sympathetic and wished her better luck next time. "You did great Mehek. They are actually losers for not taking you", Sonal consoled her. Mehek smiled weakly. Sonal was a true friend who never saw any flaw in her but Mehek was aware of her shortcomings. 

Mehek's mother was of humble origin and hence Sharma family opposed vehemently when her father wish to marry her mother. Her father however was headstrong and went against whole family to marry love of his life. Their family life was truly blissful regardless of less wealth. Mehek would have had a safe and caring abode if her parents were alive. She had inherited cooking talents of her mother and good nature of her father. Apart from those she possessed nothing. Mehek never felt ashamed of herself but today she failed to feel proud of herself.

"You always managed to see silver lining in all situations. Are you the same Mehek who always advised others never give up? ", Sonal tried to cheer her friend. But Mehek felt so low that she couldn't even nod. Sonal understood that Azaan was the main reason behind her sadness. "Mehek, please don't feel sad for a worthless person like Azaan. Azaan Mirza may be a prominent man but he failed as a friend, He is not a good human", Sonal advised her, "A gentleman will never ill-treat his friends, especially women". 

Mehek had to agree with Sonal. When Sonal had referred to qualities of a noble man, Mehek remembered face of a handsome man with a cute dimpled smile. Mr Shaurya Khanna. She admired the way Shaurya treated her despite being a stranger. He never looked down on her and treated her with respect. His words of appreciation and encouragement resonated in her mind. She felt happy for Nehal. She couldn't help but wish that one day she will also find someone like Shaurya and be fortunate as Nehal. Suddenly she felt an urge to talk to Nehal. Her decision to marry Shaurya was right and Mehek wanted to render her full support to Nehal.

"Nehal, I am so glad I caught you on time", Mehek hugged her cousin who was about to ride on her scooter at college gate. For a moment, Nehal looked aghast but she seemed to be glad to see Mehek, "I am happy to see you too, Di". Both sisters hugged and giggled. It was rare for Nehal to address her as 'Di' and Mehek felt gleeful. "Nehal, you don't believe whom I met today. I have so much to tell you", Mehek took a second to catch her breath but Nehal interrupted, "Di, I need your help". Suddenly Mehek knew she got herself into some kind of trouble.

Mehek rebuked herself while waiting in the boutique. She was extremely timid while impersonating Nehal for her bridal attire trials. The designer was recommended by Khanna family and Nehal insisted to go there on her own. She was very particular about her attire and made it clear to her mother & others in family that her bridal ware will be of her own choice and none will interfere. All gave in to her demand and Nehal was supposed to visit the boutique alone. Mehek wondered why Nehal abruptly decided to leave it and opted to finish her so called important work. Mehek was perplexed but knew that it might have been really critical else Nehal would have never let go off her chance to flaunt at an elite boutique. Mehek had already pointed out to Nehal that her size will not be perfect for Nehal. But Nehal convinced her that she will adjust. Mehek was too shocked by her declaration that she had little to react.

Eventhough petrified at first, Mehek started to feel better. The entire staff were forthcoming and friendly. Never in her life, she tried out such elegantly designed clothes. She knew very well that never in future she will be fortunate. So she decided to enjoy her time. The designer, Mr Kumar evidently wanted to impress Shaurya Khanna and treated her nicely. Yet over the time, Kumar genuinely felt good about Mehek. He was used to demanding, boisterous customers who seldom appreciated his work. Amongst them Mehek appeared like a cool refreshing wind. At the end, they managed to select the perfect bridal wear for her.

Mehek stood before the mirror and remained amazed at her own reflection. She wished it would have been her own bridal wear but before such selfish thoughts overpower her she banished it and prayed that Nehal will not be unhappy with her choice. "Honey, you look wonderful", Mr. Kumar became emotional and took her picture. He quickly transferred it to Mehek's phone .She was immensely happy and appreciated his effort, "Thank you, Kumarji". His assistants helped her to change and informed her that it will delivered to her home next day. When she was bidding farewell, Kumar gifted her a designer suit from his esteemed collection. Mehek was overwhelmed and tried to reject politely but Kumar insisted. Finally she had to keep it.

"Mr. Khanna, your fiance is a sweet lady. I must say she is amazing", Kumar tried to explain to Shaurya and showed Mehek's picture in bridal ware. Shaurya had arrived to pick his attire for wedding. Although he tried to keep his poker face, Shaurya was pleased and asked Kumar to send it to him. "She has such curvy figure that chicks of nowadays don't possess. But I must say she is really shy and may not have many western cloths", Kumar suggested as Shaurya still acted disinterested. "If you permit, I can design few dresses for her. Something western and modern. Suitable for travel or casual outing. You know things that are more appropriate for honeymoon and all", he threw more pointers. 

Shaurya knew perfectly well that Kumar was trying to bill a hefty amount on Shaurya's account. Yet it appealed him. He desired to see his Ladoo in those attires. He kept rigid while checking his sherwani and pretended to agree absentmindly, "Fine. If you insist, then go ahead". Kumar got enthusiastic and clapped his hands softly. He was about to leave when Shaurya added, "Try to add couple of bold pieces too. Afterall it's our honeymoon". "Naughty. Naughty", Kumar playfully slapped his arm and promised, "You will not be disappointed, Mr Khanna".

"Where were you, Nehal?", Mehek questioned her firmly. Nehal tried to avoid but Mehek was not ready to leave her. "Tell me the truth or else I will inform Chachi", Mehek threatened. "Fine", Nehal agreed. She pulled Mehek into her room and spoke cautiously,"I went to attend second round of an audition", Nehal confessed. "Nehal, have you lost it? You are getting married in few days. Are you even serious?", Mehek was aghast. "Ofcourse I know it's my wedding. Remember, I myself decided to be married to Shaurya Khanna. It's just that the role is so good. Lead female in a movie against an established hero", Nehak tried her best to reason,"I couldn't contain myself when I heard that I passed the first round. I didn't want to miss the second audition. But don't worry about the wedding. I may not even make it to the final list". Mehek was still not convinced so advised Nehal, "Shaurya...I mean Mr Khanna is a good man, Nehal. You are lucky to have him. Please don't be impulsive and do anything stupid to ruin your future", she advised her cousin.

Wishing you all a very very very very HAPPY NEW YEAR 🤩. May this new year bring Prosperity, Happiness and Peace to us all 🙂. 

Let's gear up to bid adieu to 2019 and welcome 2020 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

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