Chapter 12

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                       Mehek looked around the room which was provided for her. It was decent by needed cleaning. She took a broom and was about to start cleaning the room but someone stalled her. "Leave it. We have other maids to do it. It's your first day, so relax", a friendly voice told her. Mehek look on curiously while the person smiled, "I am Dilruba. What's your name?". "Mehek", she replied.

Mehek was seated in Dilruba's room. Dilruba insisted her to stay in her room until her room was cleaned and ready to dwell. Dilruba was extremely friendly but Mehek chose to remain reclusive. When Dilruba offered food, Mehek politely refused. "I know it's not your best day. But trust me, things will get better for good. So please don't show your disappointment on food", Dilruba advised her. Mehek smiled but still didn't waver as lost her appetite after hearing bitter words from Karuna. "Karuna Ma'am may appear to be strict but she is nice. She values loyalty and hardwork. You will settled properly soon", Dilruba consoled her. They talked for few more minutes and Dilruba left for work. Mehek sighed and rested in the armchair.

"Where is Neh....I mean where is Mehek?", Shaurya inquired Awara once he came out of his study. He was still getting used to the idea that name of his wife is Mehek and not Nehal. He had tried to loose himself in work but it was not possible. Ignoring problems was not his style. He is brave enough to confront and tackle them. So he decided to get things straightened with Mehek. The sooner the better. He was irritated when Awara remained indecisive and didn't answer him. "I asked you something Awara", he repeated. "She is in servants quarters", Awara told timidly.

Shaurya walked briskly towards servants' room with a petrified Awara in tow. He saw Dilruba who was asking plumber to fix the water supply in bathroom. Shaurya was fuming. He felt angry on himself for not protecting his wife, he was angry on his mother to ill-treat Mehek and above all he was angry on Mehek for letting it happen without a protest. "Where is She?", he raised his voice. Dilruba got anxious and spoke, "Mehek is in my room. I asked her to stay there until her room got ready". Shaurya dashed to Dilruba's room. He was all set to give Mehek a piece of his mind. If she was trying to garner sympathy by acting victim then she is in for a shock, he decided in his mind.

Shaurya entered the room and found her fast asleep on the chair. His heart melted seeing her innocent face but he became rigid quickly. "Mehek", he called out but she didn't wake up. He sighed in frustration and patted her hand. Quickly his anger moved to concern since he found she was burning with fever. "Awara, summon our doctor", Shaurya quickly commanded while touching her forehead. She wasn't sleeping but fainted. He scooped Mehek in his arms and walked out. "Where are you taking her?", Dilruba was shocked. "My wife will stay in my room", he glared at all staff as if telling them not to mess with Mehek ever again. He turned and walked away carrying Mehek. "Wife?", Dilruba was shocked. Awara nodded in dismay.

Doctor left after giving necessary treatment to Mehek. Shaurya sat beside her and couldn't help gazing at her sleeping figure. In a day, she became pale and fatigued. He had only himself to blame for. "Sir, I swear I didn't know about anything. I thought she is a new staff. Else I would have never disrespected by letting her stay in servants' room", Dilruba apologized. Shaurya felt bad to have rebuked Dilruba. "It's okay Dilruba", he spoke. It was clear that Dilruba had lot of questions but not brave to reflect them. "Dilruba, I am entrusting you with an important job. Be with Mehek always and take good care of her", he instructed Dilruba, "things are complicated but just keep in mind that she is my wife. Ma may not warm to her quickly and she has her good reasons. So ensure that Mehek is not badly treated". Dilruba felt proud to be given such an important task and nodded happily.

Mehek felt extremely weak and found it hard to open her eyes but finally she fluttered her eyelids slowly. Still her vision was not clear. She could feel someone wiping her face and neck with a piece of cloth dipped in lukewarm water . She showed slight discomfort when wet cloth touched her skin. "It's okay. You will feel better", a serene male voice told her. She was too tired to protest. She was parched and a sip water was all she could wish for. But she didn't ask for it. She knew none cared for her. When she fell sick, she has to take care of herself. She licked her lips to quench feeling of thirst. Soon glass of warm water was pressed near her lips and she drank greedily. "Are you hungry? Shall I bring something to eat?", the same voice asked but she denied and slept of again.

It was evening and Mehek's fever hasn't come down. Doctor expected it and had informed Shaurya that she will be better in a day or two. Even then Shaurya was anxious for her. He remained by her side, checking her temperature and taking care of her. He prayed that she will get better soon. "Shaurie, what is she doing in your room?", his mother's high pitched voice startled him. He quickly checked on Mehek to ensure that she is not awakened. But luckily she was sound asleep. He pulled his mother and led her outside his room. "Leave me", his mother spat him and asked again, "What is she doing in your room?".

"Where else she be? She is my wife and it's her rightful place", he replied strongly. "Shaurie, please", Karuna tried hard to control her emotions , "don't spoil your life for a mistake. Let me fix it", she told him. Shaurya got curious so she explained, "I met our lawyers. We can annul the marriage. Since she tricked you into this marriage, we have the upper hand". He sighed in irritation, "Ma, I don't want to leave her. If I wanted to abandon her then I wouldn't have brought her here". "Be prudent, Shaurie. Her sister was supposed to be your wife. She was your choice not her. Don't spoil your life playing noble", Karuna advised him. He wanted to pull his hair in irritation. Shauray was too proud to accept his err. He couldn't explain to his mother without bruising his ego that it was indeed Mehek whom he fell in love and wished to marry. "Ma, Mehek is my wife and I have accepted her. So I request you to give the respect she deserves. Period", he ended their conversation and went back to his room.

"Wake up", Shaurya shook Mehek softly. She groaned in refusal and turned to sleep. "Eat something and have your medicines. Then you can sleep on", he explained to her. With a heavy sigh, Mehek opened her eyes and tried to sit. He carefully arranged the pillows and helped her to sit. She finally realised that the voice belonged to Shaurya. "Have some soup", he blew a spoonful of it and fed her. Mehek was taken aback by his care and concern. It was purely alien to her. After her parent's death, none showed her this much attention. Her family never cared for her. But a stranger who has every reason to hate her, was taking care of her. Her heart swelled and tears brimmed in her eyes. "Is it too spicy?", he misunderstood her tears and gave her water. She gulped it down silently. Although she had no appetite, she consumed entire bowl of soup since he insisted. She took the medicines he gave without any protest and laid down to rest. Shaurya carefully covered her with duvet. "Sleep well. I will be here beside", his words soothed her nerves as she closed her eyes. He patted her shoulder until he fell asleep again.

While Shaurya came down for dinner, he heard his mother giving orders to Awara, "Cancel the reception party. We don't need any more drama". "Why do we need to cancel it?", Shaurya asked her. Karuna remained mum but her irritation was quiet visible. "Ma, this reception was arranged to introduce my wife. So I don't see a need to cancel it", he reasoned. "Really?", she stood up in anger, "So you want introduce that illiterate, down marketed, cheating wench as my daughter-in-law". Shaurya had a hard time to rein his wrath so he managed to answer in one word, "YES". Karuna was exasperated but she turned to Awara, "You heard him. Do as he wishes". Shaurya was a bit relieved when his mother left without further tantrums. But Karuna had not accepted defeat. 'This party will mark your end as my son's wife. I will show your real worth and you will be ashamed to core'. Karuna decided in her mind.

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