Chapter 22

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           "Stop it", she screamed and wept bitterly covering her ears, "Just listen to me once". All she received was another tight slap. She fell on the broken pieces of bottle and her knees & palms got cut. Shaurya paused for a moment seeing Mehek hiss in pain but he didn't aid her. He was inhaling and exhaling heavily. Mehek wept but tried to curb down the pain. Sensing that he had taken a break from his rampage, Mehek again tried to explain, "Shaurya, I was forced. I didn't go to Azaan. He dragged me there and kissed me forcefully". "I am not blind, Mehek. I saw it with my eyes", Shaurya shouted back. "What you saw was wrong",Mehek told vehemently . "Wonderful!!", he exclaimed while clapping his hands, "entire world is wrong except for Mehek Madam". She didn't know how to convince her innocence. She was desperate to save her marriage which was seeping out of her hands. "Save it, Mehek. If you utter another word, I don't know how I will react", angrily he exited their room while she broke down into tears.

"Another one", Shaurya ordered while finishing his bourbon whiskey. He had fled the resort and sought abode in an expensive bar. "Hello Handsome", a feminine voice addressed him, along with an alluring hand kept on his shoulder. He immediately recognized her, Mrs Nikita Singh. "Hi Nikita. Hope Angad is around", he greeted her nonchalantly. "Ofcourse not. This is strictly a solo trip", she smiled mischievously. Nikita is known in their social circle as an amorous spoil brat. A married rich heiress who slept around a lot. Her husband, Angad was a good man who unfortunately remained oblivious to her wayward behaviour. "You seemed to be upset. Why don't we go to my room? I can cheer you up", she asked suggestively. May be the alcohol or his broken state; he got enough courage to question her, "Nikita, Why do you cheat Angad?". She was taken aback but gave back vehemently. "Mr Angad Singh is a huge failure in bed. A woman's needs have to be sated else she will wander away. You cannot blame me for his shortcomings", she told wickedly, without even a grain of guilt. "So the blame is on your husband's failure", Shaurya was disappointed and threw away his glass in anger. The shattering sound startled not only Nikki but everyone. He threw few currencies at the counter and left.

Mehek was lost in her agony when the door banged open and Shaurya staggered in. "There you are, my beautiful wife", he uttered in his drunken stupor. She rushed to him when he was about to fall but he pushed her away and forbid her with hand gesture. "Are you drunk?", she asked naively although it was clear. He nodded and laughed like a mad man, "But I got a revelation from someone just like you. An epic whore gave me some gyaan". Mehek cringed at his nasty words but didn't argue since he was drunk. "We will talk in the morning when you are sober", she tried to walk away but he pulled her closer. "No, my darling Wife. I should have ended what we started and not left you dissatisfied. Being a noble fool , I assumed otherwise. It drove you into your lover's arms to sate your needs", he laughed sarcastically.

Shaurya pinned her to wall forcefully. He looked at her intently, with rage  in his eyes, "Why did you do it, Mehek?". "Shaurya, please. You are hurting me", Mehek cried. "I saw you with him, Mehek. Kissing, moaning and grinding on him. Why Mehek? Am I not enough?", frustration brimmed in his voice. "He forced me, Shaurya", Mehek vehemently denied his accusation. "LIAR", he banged both his hands behind the wall. "Azaan told me that you informed him about our trip. Why did you want him on your honeymoon? Is it because you already submitted your body to your dear Azaan and still craves for him?", Mehek's tearful eyes widened in shock hearing his accusations. "Do you think he is better than me? ", his words started to get vulgar. Mehek was shattered by his vile attitude but startled when he scooped her in his arms, "How can you judge until you have a taste of me?".

Shaurya threw Mehek on bed mercilessly. Her entire body pained and almost gave up but she still tried to crawl away from him. "Let's forgo the foreplay", he undid his belt and loosened his pant to pull out his shirt . Mehek shook her head, unable to believe the nightmare she was pushed into. He hauled her by his ankle. Mehek was pushed flat on the bed. She trembled in fear when he hovered over her. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting his assault but nothing happened. After a moment, she opened her eyes anxiously. She anticipated to look into the eyes of a furious beast but all she saw was a wounded man.

"I could easily violate you and take my revenge. Punish you for infidelity", his words ran a chill down her spine, "And a characterless woman like you deserves it". Mehek winced bearing his wrathful words. His laughed crazily, leaving the bed, "But you hurt me here", he pointed to his heart, "And nothing...Absolutely nothing will mend it". Tears made through his cheeks which he desperately tried to wipe away, "Do you have any idea how much I love you?". "Shaurya, I beg you. Please give me a chance to prove my innocence. For once try to understand me ", Mehek appealed again. "I don't want to listen to your lies", he roared and it made Mehek shut her pleas. He pointed his forefinger at her, "You are going to pay for you sins. I am going to make your life living hell".

Mehek was too afraid to move or speak. All she could do was listen to his furious words. "I am not going to let you free and be with Azaan. You will live with me, as my wife. But you will never have a life. I will never let you have what every woman crave the most, A family", he declared her punishment, "You will die alone; without love and relationships. You were a bad omen and will remain the same until the end. Just like your ill-luck killed your parents, today your willful deeds made you lose your husband". His vindictive words pierced her heart and she gasped for breath. "F*uk off from my bed", he barked at her before pushing her out of the bed. Mehek fell down and hit her head.

Mehek held on to her forehead in pain and looked at him. Shaurya was too intoxicated to make true sense of anything so he didn't care. He was too tired and possessed little energy stay awake. He fell on the bed and closed his eyes. Mehek shivered, predominately due to fear but not of the cold floor. She remained still until Shauyra fell sound asleep. She wasn't sure whether he will wake and torment her more. So she covered her mouth and tried to muffled her sobs.

I know many expected extreme physical abuse (our Hero is not that low😉). But vindictive and hurtful words from loves ones are far more painful that any torture given on body. What do you think? Will Mehek be able to cope with Shaurya's decision? 

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