Chapter 20

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                     Shaurya was talking to the senior staffs regarding the arrangements for tonight. He had made tiny surprise packages for Mehek with clues which will lead her through the entire resort and finally back to their cottage. He wanted to make their night special and memorable. He checked the food menu and tried to order best. While he was checking wine list for ordering an exquisite bottle of red wine, a familiar voice came from behind, "Hello Shaurya". Even before turning Shaurya knew whom it belongs to. 

Shaurya tried his best to hide his distaste and turned to greet the person, "Hello Azaan. What a pleasant surprise?". It was evident that both males were trying to hide their annoyance. "Shayara's father owns this beach resort", Azaan added as preface and looked at the staff, "Mr Khanna is our special guest. Hope you take good care of him". Shaurya bit down his anger on Azaan's boastful attitude. "Mr Sayeed is a known figure so I am well aware of his successful endeavours", Shuarya tried to chide him. Azaan smirked, "Mehek loves beaches. Did you know it?". Azaan was openly taunting Shaurya but rather than a curt smile Shaurya didn't respond. Azaan went on, "When Mehek told about her trip, I knew she will enjoy here". Despite his resolution to remain unaffected, Shaurya was taken aback and Azaan knew that he had hit a soft spot with his lie.

"Where is Mehek? Hope she is not sulking alone at room. ", Azaan mocked Shaurya. A sly smile spread on Shaurya recalling Mehek who was resting after their heavy make out session. "May be I should take her out for dinner. It will lift up her mood while you can be free from boredom of babysitting her", Azaan tried to irk Shaurya. "Incase you didn't notice, we are on our honeymoon, Azaan. Couples tend to spend more time indoors trying to explore one another", his crude remark sparked anger in Azaan. The staff beside them smiled shyly and sought permission to leave after confirming about the wine Shaurya had chosen . "Thank you. You have been really helpful", Shaurya appreciated her. Once she left Azaan started again, "Is it for Mehek?". When Shaurya gave a nod, Azaan went on, "I am afraid it is not going to impress her, Shaurya. Mehek like simple things. She is not used to grand gestures and won't know how to value them". 

Shaurya didn't like it. Unknowingly, Azaan was making fun of Mehek' humble origin. "And wine...It's a total waste because Mehek doesn't drink at all", Azaan proudly announced his knowledge about Mehek. His words brought back humour in Shaurya. He bend closer to Azaan and spoke softly, "There are many things that a woman will not share with strangers but her husband. And my friend, I know my wife..... intimately". He spread a wicked smile knowing that he had hit his mark on Azaan who balled his fists in anger. "Take care, Azaan. Convey my regards to your fiance and Sayeed Sir", Shaurya tried to walked away.

"You can only have her body", Azaan's claim halted Shaurya's steps, "her heart still beats for me and only me". Shaurya glared at him, "Azaan, you are crossing your limits. One more word from you and I will forget to respect Mirza family". "You can disrespect me as you please. Still I will speak the truth. Mehek loves me. She may have sacrificed herself for sake of hollow tradition and customs. But mark my words, Shaurya. Love will find its way. One day when she has enough courage, she will run back to me". Shaurya wanted to beat the pulp out of Azaan but refrained since he was level headed than Azaan. Besides, he didn't want to spoil his mood and surprise he had planned for Mehek. He chose to ignore Azaan.

Mehek woke with a start when door bell rang; announcing as room service. She realised she had slept for the entire afternoon. She was dressed in Shauyra's shirt so she asked room service to leave the goods at the door. She looked around for Shaurya but failed to find him. Her heart raced when she recalled their afternoon. She was glad to accept that it was novel feeling and she enjoyed every minute. A little alcohol was all she needed to overcome her inhibitions. She wouldn't have minded if Shaurya had taken things further but being a gentleman he decided to wait for her to get sober. Mehek blushed remembering his promise for an eventful night. She wondered where he went leaving her alone in the cottage.

Mehek found a food trolley placed outside her door. She pulled it inside and checked the contents. An elegantly decorated sandwich greeted her grumbling stomach. As she was munching sandwich, she read the cute card placed near it, "Come to reception. Wear something casual but pretty. P.S : Comfortable shoes are a must. You loving Husband 😘". Mehek giggled and opened her suitcase to find a suitable attire. Her eyes widened in shock while she ransacked the contents. She wanted to strangle Dilruba who had packed her suitcase. None of her Salwar Kameez were found in it. It had only dresses, skirts & tops and some scandalous pieces. Mehek hit her head and sat down cursing her luck.

Mehek timidly walked towards the reception. She was wearing a short sleeved, knee length floral frock. It was most decent piece among her luggage that covered her arms, back and atleast half of her legs. Thankfully a pair of sneakers were also in it that was comfortable for walking. Once she reached reception, a pretty bracelet made of shells were presented to her along with another card. It had instructions to lead her to next destination within resort.

Shaurya's was frantically arranging their bedroom for Mehek's arrival. Rose petals were thrown around and candles adorned every corner of the bedroom. Cake and wine arrived and he placed them carefully amidst the decorations. He checked time and knew that Mehek will arrive any minute.

The chase was fun at the beginning but as time passed Mehek got a little anxious and wanted it to end soon. While she was waiting for Shaurya at the corner table in the restaurant, she wished he will surprisingly join her and share the light supper. She looked ahead and found a figure similar to Shaurya walking away. She mistook it was Shaurya and chose to rush behind him, giving no time for the waiter give her the final clue that would have led her back to the cottage.

Shaurya's phone rang and he quickly picked it up. "What do you mean you lost her?....Look around while I reach there", he dashed out to find Mehek.

Few steps behind the unknown figure and Mehek perceived that it was not her husband. May be her anxious mind tricked her. As she was about to walk back to the restaurant, someone grabbed her and pulled into the adjacent bar. Once she was inside the empty bar, she gasped in shock, "Azaan, what are you doing here?". "Mehek, we need to talk. I was trying to get you alone", he told her swiftly. "Leave me, Azaan. We have nothing to talk", Mehek tried to wiggle out but he was too strong for her.

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