"Pam, we will crash if I can't see where I'm going!"

"Trust me child!" I jumped at her booming voice, I gulped and put it in reverse and went into the bushes turning off my lights. "A little to the right, stay slow, left now. Keep going we are pretty clear from here" she guided and my hands started to shake once I noticed the red and blue lights.

"God they are here, fuck.."

"Park right here, you'll have to keep going on foot."

"But it's pitch black out, I won't be able to find the car if they chase me!" That earned a harsh slap from her ghost hand.

"You worry too much! Have you forgotten I am here?" She yelled again "now go find Jason and tell him he's making me a grandma!" I whimpered and nodded, I stepped out and locked the car shoving the keys into my pocket.


I didn't walk directly towards the police lights, more of around them. I was trying to find the lake, every snap of a twig made me jump and glance around quickly for flashlights beams. I glanced back at the police lights they were closer now, which meant I was closer. I looked behind a large pine tree to find the lake, it reflected the water of the half-moon.

I watched its beauty for a moment before glancing around to see the dark shadows of the camp. It was odd I have to admit because the light that reflected off of the water hit the trees and plants beautifully, but the cabin's wood seemed to absorb that light. I stepped towards them and nearly was exposed by a beam of light. I hid behind the corner of the cabin as the beam went towards the forest. I stepped on something soft and glanced down I froze. Under my foot was a bloody hand, my eyes followed to show the male officer's head almost hacked into two. I only got a half of a second scream out before a hand clasped over my mouth. I glance up and see Jason and I felt the cold metal against my throat, tears started to fall pleading he will recognize me in his murderous rage.

He tilted his head and the blade left my throat and dropped his weapon to the ground, he swept me off my feet and started to run off. The sound of his heavy feet alerted the officer searching the area and I heard his scream once he found the body. I was breathing heavily trying to process what just happened and he suddenly set me down. I took the opportunity to turn to my side and purge my dinner, I am not sure if it was of pregnancy or what I just saw.

"Jason what the fuck was that! That was fucking brutal and for what?" I panted and wiped my mouth. His hands moved quickly, too quickly "woah woah slow down I do not understand what you are signing!"

'Why are you here?' He was frantic.

"I have really important news to tell you, Jason! That is why I'm here!" I jumped at the sound of gunshots our direction.

'It can wait' he scooped me up again and started to run as more gunshots followed us. The world blurred by and those policemen didn't seem to stop chasing. Branches scratched my skin and he almost tripped over roots. I felt like I was going to vomit again.

I was suddenly slammed down against a tree and Jason bent down to my height, 'go!'

"Are you insane I can't leave you here you'll be killed!" He shook his head and pulled off his mask looking me in my eyes. He smiled softly and planted his lips on mine.

'I won't please go' tears started to fall down my face.

"I-I l-love y-you" I manage to choke out, "I d-don't-t want t-to lose y-you again" I sniffled as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I...luff...oo" his husky voice managed to say, his breath feathered my face "go." My heart sank, his first full sentence to me, gunshots rang again, and he pulled away putting on his mask. He fearlessly walked towards the sounds and looked back at me, he pointed to his heart then crossed his arms over his chest and pointed to me 'I love you' I nodded and started to run towards the car.

Embarrassingly enough I slammed into the hood of it, the wind knocked out of me and it gave me a chance to process everything. I couldn't tell him I was pregnant, now he might be dead to just buy me some time I softly sobbed onto the hood "Mireya let's go or we'll get caught too and the bloodline will die!" I leered at Pamela with hatred before getting into the car.


To say I wasn't attached to the news channel was a lie. I stayed up the whole night waiting for any breaking news, watched the morning news, noon news, afternoon news and nothing came of it. It wasn't until the fifth day where there was a segment on the Camp Blood Case.

The blond news anchor stared at the camera "good afternoon everyone, we have just been sent very relieving news. As you all remember the unsolved murders of the infamous Camp Crystal Lake or what locals called 'Camp Blood' have haunted New Jersey for the last three decades. The legend was that it was Jason Voorhees, a disfigured camper, who tragically drowned at the lake in 1984. Police have found and gunned down a homicidal maniac who manage to kill five of the twelve officers that were investigating the camp five nights ago. After extensive fingerprint and hair sample analysis we can confirm this John Doe is connected to the previous murderers. But we do not know who he is." Her male counterpart chimed in.

"Looking at the autopsy photos, um here is an artist rendition" a drawing of Jason's face showed on the screen, "many say that he could have been Jason because of the similarities. On record, they never found the boy's body."

"But the thing is how would he have gone unnoticed for 30 years Mike? And it's silly to connect the two just because of legend. I believe we need to find Jason's mother, who was the chef at the camp, to come in and give her DNA to see if there is a match."

"But even she has gone off the radar from what police have told us."

"It doesn't matter at this point, this is the man who murdered all these people and now he is dead. We should be very relieved"

"I agree with you on that Jennet, now Derek with the weather forecast." I shut off the TV. My hands shook as I cupped my face to wipe my tears.

He's dead, and I'm here pregnant with his baby and he's dead. I'm all alone. 

But why Me? (Jason Voorhees x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now