Chapter Fifty-One

Start from the beginning

It was a chaotic mess, and too close of quarters  than Violet liked fighting in. There was nowhere to go, she could barely move inside the mass of both the living and the dead. So she did the one thing she hated, and she led the enemy directly to her men.

She walked backwards down the staircase, careful not to fall as she fought off the walkers that came at her. From the corner of her eye she could make out Rhael lighting the field on fire, casting an eery orange glow on the already glum castle. 

Arya was the first person she saw join her side, she was lightning quick with her daggers as she chopped her way through their attackers. Violet would have loved to spar with her, but today was not that day. A walker was approaching from behind, and Violet was quick to guard Arya by switching their positions, and they soon fought back to back. 

It was clear to Violet very early in the fight, that she was not going to win. They were outnumbered by thousands, and anytime she lost a soldier, he stood right back up to fight for the other side. She could barely make out Jon and Tormund and Artmitage fighting across the courtyard. Brienne and Podrick were struggling somewhere by the gates. And the mix of both snow and ash floating in the air was making it difficult to see. 

"There's too many of them," Arya grunted, slowly slicing her dagger into another. She was losing energy in this endless fight and Violet needed to do something to save as many as she could. 

"We have to protect Winterfell, we're the only ones." Violet heaved out, "We have to hold the North." 

"We're gonna die defending it." Arya responded. "I am fine with that." 

Arya said nothing more before darting over the courtyard to help Brienne and Podrick who were falling to a stampede of white walkers who had pushed through the gates. 

Violet hadn't moved in hours. She didn't need to. Waves of white walkers poured in her very direction every second and she sliced through every one that came too close. They were losing, and she could not let her people die for nothing.

"Ned, forgive me." Violet whispered through tear filled eyes. She looked around at her home that wasn't home anymore. The Winterfell Castle now belonged to the dead, and though it was not in her nature to give up, it was also not in her nature to let those she loved die. 

"Retreat!" Violet screamed out, knowing her men knew exactly what to do and where to go. "Retreat!' She repeated, moving to help anyone she could.

"Are we really leaving?" Oberyn asked, he was holding a hand to his side and Violet could see he was nursing a wound to his ribs. 

"We stay, we all die, and so does Bran." Violet answered. 

Oberyn thought for one moment before nodding his head in agreement and moving to help those he could escape through the open gates. 

She whistled loudly, and Rhael burned a path clear of the gates before landing. He screeched out as he took many stab wounds to his side, and Violet was able to mount him before any real damage was done. "I'm so sorry." Violet cried out, seeing the blood streaming out of her dragon's side. 

They had a plan for retreat, just as they had a plan for battle. And while her battle plan worked as well as a Eunich's cock, she hoped to the seven that her plan for retreat worked much better. 

She burned the walkers that were still climbing the walls, and any still lingering on the ramparts. She had to be careful not to burn her own people and soldiers. She could make out her people running through the gates, and towards the Kings Road, and she kept off any walkers that came in their direction. 

She had one final task, and that was to get Bran. She landed outside of the great hall, Rhael aggressively burning any walkers that came near her.  Berric Dondarion was standing diligently outside the doors, Thoros of Myr was unfortunately laying dead beside him. Berric looked worse for wear, a large wound was bleeding heavily from the side of his head. 

"Quickly!" Violet urged, Bran being their most vulnerable. Berric nodded and pounded on the door behind him twice, it wasn't long before the Hound and Melisendre were wheeling him out. The Hound easily lifted him from his chair, and placed him on the dragon behind her. 

"Get on." Violet grunted towards Melisendre in despondence. "You may have tried to burn me alive, but I wouldn't have half these men if it weren't for you." 

Melisendre  let a small smirk pass her lips before nodding her head. She sat easily behind Bran, encasing him safely between the two. 

"Go." Bran mumbled, squeezing Violet on her left side. She glanced over her shoulder to see the Night King slowly walking through dragon fire to reach them. 

"Come on," Violet screamed to The Hound who was now fighting walkers. He shouted at them to leave in between chops with his broad sword. Berric was now nowhere to be seen. 

With a sigh, Violet took to the skies. She burned any walkers she could, continuing to light the path of those who had already escaped. She spent the entire flight keeping walkers at bay and hoping with everything inside of her that those she loved had escaped. 

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