Chapter Forty-Three

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Violet groaned, rolling over and stretching her sore and tender limbs. Her bones cracked and her muscles ached. She had been fighting for so long, every day for as long as she could remember, she was beginning to wonder if she would ever get any peace. A calloused hand rested itself against her shoulder, she peeked behind her to see Daario still sleeping. 

The sun poured in through the open window, casting an incandescent  glow to appear on his slightly tanned skin. Violet finally took a moment to admire the man she had left behind. His curly dark hair hung low over his forehead. His brown eyes were gently closed, the normal creases around his eyes when he smiled, were gone. His beard that tickled her skin when he kissed her had grown longer. He was rough and savage and she loved him all the same. 

"Stop staring, Love." Daario grumbled, rolling onto his back to stretch himself. 

"You're dirty." Violet told him, smiling as he opened his eyes to playfully glare at her. 

"You should see yourself," he leaned over and kissed her before hopping out of bed. 

The pair of them were so exhausted the night before, they never bothered to clean off the blood from the fights. Violet's arms and bare shoulders were splattered and stained with the crimson liquid. Her leather breeches were torn and her bright silver hair was tangled and darkened with blood. Daario looked much the same, just less exposed.

A large bowl of water was by the window, with the purpose for cleaning. But two scrubs of Violet's arms through the bowl and the once clear water had turned brown. She shrugged and tied her sword around her waist before turning around to find Daario holding out a leather object in her direction. 

"What's that?" Violet asked, nodding at the object in question. 

"I got this for you when you were in Westeros. It seems more practical for you now that you're down to one sword. Even more so now that you're finally flying on the back of Rhael." 

Violet accepted the gift and finally noticed it was a sheath for her sword, except made for her back instead of her hip. She smiled and tied it on quickly and slid her Valyrian sword through. It was much lighter than her old one, and made her balance so much more even as she wasn't favoring one side.

She tossed her old sheath onto the bed before pulling Daario into her. 

"I think you're the only man who really gets women." Violet said pulling him into a tender kiss. "I love it." 

Daario kissed her hard before pulling back and reaching behind her, fiddling with the purple ribbon that was still tightly wrapped around her swords hilt. He was surprised it hadn't fallen off by now. "You aren't most women. There aren't any women like you in this world." 

"You know I'm a twin right?" Violet joked.

"You and Dany are as similar as fire and ice." Daario told her, wrapping an arm around her to lead her into the hall.

"Which one am I?" Violet asked. 

"I'll let you know." 


When Violet entered the throne room, her sister was already there. Perched up on the uncomfortable looking slab that was her temporary throne. The guards still surrounded the room, lining the walls like obedient little soldiers. Missendai and Grey Worm stood on either side of Dany. And in the center of the room was an unknown woman, and a man she never thought she would have the displeasure of seeing again. 

"Theon!" Violet growled, stomping up the marble steps towards the coward who betrayed and butchered her family.

The woman beside him pulled out her sword which caused every guard, Grey Worm, Daario, and Violet to pull hers. Violet swiped the woman's legs out from under her before grabbing Theon by the collar and pushing him to the ground with her sword at his throat.

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