Chapter Twelve.

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Violet was completely lost.. both in body and mind. Her feet ached with every step she took, her mouth was as dry as a freshly woven cloth. Her stomach had stopped growling a long time ago, it was now an endless pit of nothingness. 

She would have loved to stop and kill a rabbit or a doe, she could have easily started a fire and fed herself. But the men on her tail prevented her from any farther meals. Even though it had been over a week since she had last seen a soldier, she would not take that chance. Her life was worth more to her than a meal. Even though she knew if a meal was not inside of her soon -- her life would end regardless. 

She was dragging her sword through the dirt behind her, having not sheathed it in some time. She was too paranoid of her surroundings to do that. Her hair hung low across her face as she stoically stared at the path ahead of her. She didn't have a clue where she was going, and just sort of wandered. She had been doing that for months now. 

But the sounds of clanking of swords and the jovial laughs of men made her immediately alert to the area around her. She pulled herself up into a tree and waited for a group of passing soldiers to pass, but they never did. The sound stayed far away, as if the group of men were camped out somewhere. It seemed louder than the other group's Joffrey had sent after her, and she hoped he didn't actually send the entire Lannister army after her. Had that been the case, she would have to toss herself into the Narrow Sea and hope for the best.

She took the chance to become fully aware of whoever it was she was hearing, and soundlessly walked closer to them. She cursed silently every time her boots made the leaves beneath her crunch. Nothing seemed to be following her in the woods, so she continued on. 

She came across a clearing towards the end of the wood line, where the sounds of the men only increased. They were growing louder and louder with every step Violet took. She was quivering in fear at the thought of running into a Lannister of Baratheon army, one of which had such mass size that she had no hope of survival. But when she saw the deep black banners with the pale grey dire wolf. She knew she was safe. 

"Oh seven hells" she muttered, she felt tears in her eyes seeing the familiarity of the army she had once fought for. The house she was raised by and the people of the North that she loved and held dearly. For the first time in years, she felt at home. She didn't waste a second, and was soon walking swiftly towards the Stark army.

She was so tiny and worn down, that from afar nobody probably saw her. But once she was actually only feet away from them, most upon seeing the sword in her hand and the blood staining her body-- drew on her.  "Who the hell are you?" one asked her "Lay down your blade" came from another.

"Is that any way to treat a Stark bannerman?" Violet asked, her voice low and raspy from lack of nourishment. A couple of them chuckled, while one grabbed a strand of her muddy silver hair and rubbed it between his fingers. Violet gritted her teeth, trying her hardest not to slice this man apart. But she knew that would not get her any closer to Robb. 

"You're a woman!" a man taunted out at her. She rolled her eyes at the ignorance at him, he must have been brand new. Violet was well known across the Stark's bannermen, it wasn't hard to be. "Shut up Brighten! Violet? Is that you?" She heard a familiar voice ask. She looked up through her hair that had been hiding her face, to see Ser Rodrick Cassel had shoved his way through the group of men, and was looking her up and down with worry.

"Yes" She managed to get out. Ser Rodrick's eyes went wide and quickly grabbed Violet's arm and pulled her through camp. "I thought you were dead! Joffrey's had a bounty on your head for a year now!" he whisper-shouted to her as he continued to drag her gently through the Stark's army. "I feel like I'm dead" she grunted.

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