Chapter Twenty.

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Rhael was growing larger everyday, and Violet loved to watch him swim in the bay and hunt with his brothers. While Drogon was the largest of the three dragons, Rhael wasn't too far behind him. His large green scales glistened against the sun and and the yellow on his spine matched the sharp scales of his brother. Violet and Rhael had such a strong bond, one even stronger than Dany even had with Drogon and Viserion. When Rhael landed beside her on the shores of the beach in Yunkai she immediately reached over and stroked his head.

She couldn't speak Valyrian like Dany -- save for the few commands that all three dragons responded to, but she took to special whistles to bond with her dragon in other ways. She whistled lowly and soon Rhael had affectionately nuzzled his way into her side. "Good boy." She whispered and gently stroked along the long length of his neck. Violet closed her eyes, enjoying a peaceful moment of solitude with her dragon, a rare moment where she wasn't guarding her sister or threatening the people around her. The moment lasted only seconds before Rhael was hissing in the direction of the cove.

With sword in hand Violet whipped around to find Daario standing there, his arms outstretched in surrender. Finding no threat she waved her hand to Rhael who then immediately flew into the sky to help his brothers devour a dead shark, She then sheathed her own sword.

"May I help you Daario Neharis?" Violet asked before plopping back down onto the stone she was previously sitting on.

"I have something for you," He responded, reaching behind him to pull a tightly wrapped package from the back of his trousers.

"I don't want anything that has been in there." Violet said with a chuckle before turning her attention back towards the sea. She could see Daario approaching out of the corner of her eye, and her fingers rested on the dagger resting inside her boot. She didn't think Daario was dumb enough to try and harm her, but even she could admit she had been wrong before.

"I think you'll like this." He whispered before gently placing the package into her lap. It was wrapped rather neatly, in tan parchment and a violet colored ribbon holding it all in place. She almost smiled at how well the ribbon matched the color of her eyes. Almost.

"Are you going to open it or what," Daario grunted, nudging Violet with his boot. Violet scowled at his feet before quickly ripping off the packaging, a short sword falling into her lap. Her eyes went wide at the rare Valyrian steel that was now resting beneath her fingertips. The only Valyrian steel she had ever seen was Ned Starks sword, Ice. And now the most powerful steel in the seven kingdoms rested in her hands.

It was a beautiful blade, even with the chip in the side from wear and the slight bend to the edge of the blade. The handle was all black with tiny emeralds encrusted in the edges. Minus the expensive intricate details the shape of the sword and the length were almost identical to Beast.

"How did you get this?" Violet whispered, jumping up and swinging the sword gently through the air.

"Killed a man for it." Daario said, pulling a dagger out and a cloth to clean what looked like dried blood on the blade.

"Of course you did," Said Violet as she grinned like a child, she couldn't help but feeling ecstatic about the most beautiful sword she had ever seen, resting in her hands.

"You don't approve?"

"You didn't have to kill him." Responded Violet.

"You've probably killed hundreds of men!" Daario's argumentative tone was the most gentle Violet had ever seen. She had seen Bannermen and Lords of great houses scream themselves bloody at one another to get their opinions across. Yet Daario's voice was gentle, and Violet heard him all the same. Another thing that intrigued her about him.

"I killed because I had to, I had army's hunting me down. All of Westeros wanted the money that went along with killing the heir to the Iron Throne. I killed those men to survive, you take enjoyment in the whole thing."

"We both know that wasn't the only time you killed, even in Essos we hear when theres a woman soldier in the world. I heard about how ferocious you were in battle, how protective you were of the men standing beside you. You gave inspiration to a lot of people in the world, including a young teenage boy trying to survive the vicious killers of the fighting pits."

Violet turned around and saw that Daario was no longer looking her way, nor cleaning his dagger. He simply stared to the soft sanded that rested beneath his boots. Violet had been chased by men for so long, so many people trying to kill her that she almost forgot about the good in others. She forgot that not everybody was out to kill her, and she could see that Daario wouldn't harm her. Just by the vulnerability she could see in him right now.

She walked closer to him, resting her hand gently on his shoulder. "You will never be a slave again." She whispered. Daario looked up and nodded his head. "I know. Between your sister and you, I know I have nothing to worry about."

"My sister is the one you should be worried of, You should have seen what she did to the slave owners in Astapor." Violet chuckled at the memory or Drogon burning hundreds of people that day.

"You frighten me more than you will ever truly realize, Violet Targaryen." Daario said, standing from the stone. He slid his dagger back into the sheath at his side before grabbing the sword from Violet. "Two blades are better than one." He said grabbing a sword sheath off his side and wrapping it around Violets waist. Violet's first reaction was to punch him for touching her, but she was surprised that his touch did not cause her distress. The only distress she felt was how much she enjoyed it.

Daario slid the new blade into the spare sheath now on Violets side. It felt strange but comforting to have two blades at her side. His hand lingered on her hip for a moment before quickly removing his hand and taking two steps backwards. "Your sister needs us for a meeting about tonight, so I'd wrangle in the boys soon if I were you." He said nodding to the three dragons now resting at the end of the beach. He then quickly retreated the way he came before Violet could even respond.

Violet sighed, letting her hand rest against the unique and rare sword on her hip. Men would kill for a blade like this, which Daario ironically did for the blade himself. A gift was not anything Violet had ever gotten in her life, the sword at her side proving her first. Something a simple as flowers or jewelry could have been the easy choice as something to give a young woman, but Daario knew exactly how to reach Violet in the best way, in more ways than one.

Which is why she bent down and grabbed the abandoned purple ribbon, a token as thoughtful as the blade itself. And she tightly wrapped it around the helm of her blade, to always remind her of where it came from.

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