Chapter Six.

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Ned Stark paced nervously around his chambers, wondering what to make of this unusual situation. Ever since realizing Violet was in fact a Targaryen, he had been become very anxious that this information would fall into the wrong hands. He suspected Maester Luwin figured it out years ago, but like him wasn't quite sure what to do with the information. This was dangerous, her life was in jeopardy and she had power that she didn't quite understand.

Ned knew there were plenty of great houses who still looked to King Robert as the usurper, many of them were waiting for the day the Targaryens took back their throne. He had always ignored them, knowing in his heart that, that day would never come. The other two Targaryen children were across the narrow sea with a small chance of returning, but Robert was still hell bent on finding this third Targaryen child. Violet being that child made Ned want to vomit in his mouth.

He knew he needed to do what was necessary to protect her, she needed other people to follow her. But this information getting into the wrong hands could mean life or death. Violet was strong and quick, she fought against the strongest men, but Ned knew there was no chance in hell she could take on Robert's army all on her own. They would hunt her down to the ends of the seven kingdoms just to watch that dynasty burn. Robert was still going on about having the other Targaryen girl killed, Ned had to assume they were twins. 

He loved his Lady wife with all of him, but he knew how she felt about Violet and wasn't sure how she would feel about the heir to the iron throne sitting under her nose. So he wasn't sure if he could trust his own wife with this information. His children would probably tell any soul who would listen if they found out about it, big things rarely happened in the North. The King coming was the most exciting thing his children had seen in over a year. 

After hours of pacing and contemplating, Ned decided for the moment to keep the information to himself. He thought the best way to keep her safe, was to keep her close. He would have to bring her to Kings Landing.


Violet had to wonder what Ned wanted with her when he asked her to speak. Jory Cassel sounded almost urgent when he found her hammering away in the armory. She climbed the steep steps in the castle of Winterfell, before she found herself outside of Ned Stark's chambers. Jory knocked and announced her appearance, before she slowly walked inside. 

"Hello Ned" Violet said bowing her head slowly. She wiped her forehead and a mixture of sweat and grease smeared across the back of her head, she shrugged and wiped them on her dirty trousers. Ned was smirking at her when she looked up, leaning against his desk. "In the armory again?" He asked her, crossing his arms across his chest. 

Violet nodded and stepped closer to Ned, allowing Jory to close the door behind them. "Jon asked me to make something special" Violet said, smiling at the memory of Jon begging her to make Arya a sword. She was hesitant at first, but realized if anyone would truly appreciate the beauty and craft-ship of a sword, it was Arya. The sword she made was small and thin, just like Arya. It was something she could easily carry and use if need be, she would need to teach her a few things before they left for Kings Landing the next day.

"If my son wasn't taking the black, you would have made a good match for him" Ned told her, causing her eyes to go wide. She had gotten used to the idea of Jon taking the black, had almost a month to process the information. So it was strange thinking of actually being with him, as Ned had mentioned. "I wish I could change his mind" She said sheepishly. 

Ned nodded and shrugged knowing how stubborn his own child was. "He's a Stark by blood, stubbornness runs through our veins" Ned told her, chuckling as he remembers many instances where his children never listened.

Violet smiled and nodded in return. "I know, I have been at the arse end of all your children's stubbornness" Violet said with a chuckle, Ned joining her in their laughter. "So what did you need me for?" Violet asked.

Ned stopped laughing and motioned for Violet to take a seat in front of the desk, she quickly obeyed. "I know it is last minute but I am asking if you would join me in Kings Landing. As part of my household guard" Ned asked, Violet immediately going wide eyed at the request. 

"I trust you Violet, I trust you with my girls and I think Arya and Sansa would enjoy having a familiar face around them daily" Ned added. 

Violet thought about the offer. Jon was leaving tomorrow, so was Ned and she would be here with only Catelyn and Robb to keep her entertained. She had longed to leave Winterfell for so long, and now was her chance. But something in her belly told her to worry about the trip farther south, but for now she would ignore it. "Alright, I'll do it" Violet said with a smile.

The next morning, Violet was helping Arya and Sansa place their belongings in the carriage before settling the girls themselves into a carriage with Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen. The king along with dozens of men had already started their journey to Kings Landing from Winterfell. But the Starks and   the  Lannisters were leaving a little later. 

She nodded a quick goodbye to Lady Catelyn after wishing the still unconscious Bran a goodbye, she hugged Robb tightly who ruffled her long hair before she mounted her horse and tried to find Jon. She hadn't seen him since Ned asked her to travel to Kings Landing with him, and she didn't know if she could function without saying goodbye to the man she loved.

She rode forward with Jory and the other men in the guard, out the large gates of Winterfell. She turned and bid farewell to the place she had called home her entire life, but knew she would soon see bigger and better things. She still couldn't see Jon until they made it miles away from Winterfell, at the fork in the road between the wall and the Kings road. 

He was sitting on his large black horse while chatting with Ned. She led her horse away from the caravan  to finally speak with her best friend. "Not going to bid me farewell Jon?" She asked raising an eyebrow to the raven haired boy. Ned had scampered off on his own horse to follow the caravan, and Jon was left with Violet.

"I didn't want to say goodbye to you Violet, I didn't want to change my mind" Jon told her, keeping his head low. Violet frowned before leaping off her horse, and pulling Jon down off of his own. She ignored his comment and threw her arms around his neck, trying her hardest to remember his distinct scent. She knew it would be a very long time before she held him like this again, and she was going to savor every moment. 

"I will miss you Jon Snow" She whispered in his ear before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Jon closed his eyes before cupping her face in his own larger hands. He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "And I will miss you, my love" He whispered before kissing her softly on the lips. 

She deepened the kiss only for a moment before pulling away and mounting her horse. Jon still stood still as he watched her effortlessly pull herself onto the grey mare. "You look good in black" was the last thing she said to him before she ran off down the fork on the left while Jon turned around and followed his uncle on the road to the right.

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