Chapter Eleven.

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A/N: You all should listen to the song on the side while reading this chapter! I'm obsessed with the score of this movie. Plus it goes well with Violet and her badassness. 

One year. It's been exactly one year since King Robert died and the land of Westeros changed immensely. Some for the better, but most for the worse. King Joffrey was horrid to everyone around him, not that Violet particularly knew this coming from him, however she had been running from The Kings soldiers for months now. She swore she would shove her sword through his chest for the hell he caused her. 

She had no idea where she was, what direction she was heading or even anyone who could help her. But that fire in Violet's belly never died, in fact it grew every minute she was running for her life. Joffrey and all his men knew what she looked like, and seeing as she was a threat to the throne, Joffrey sent every sword he could out to kill her. 

She had sliced through her long silver mane long ago, leaving only short locks that tickled her shoulders. She ran dark brown mud through it daily to keep her from standing out. Blood smeared every inch of her body, some hers and others the men or animals that she had killed. She was unnoticeable to herself when she caught a glance of herself in the streams that ran through the woods, yet the men still came. 

"We know you are out here girl!" A burly voice called out through the forest. Violet who had been hiding in the top of a tree, tightened the grip she had on her bow; one she had stolen off a fallen soldier. An arrow was knocked, ready to fire at the right opportunity. Ten men were shuffling around her nearby, and she once more had that thirst inside of her for blood, they would die here and now at her hand. 

Violet no longer cared for the lives she took, she no longer cared about anything anymore. One thing drove her on every day, her sister. The mere thought that she may one day finally be united with her sister and they could finally conquer the land they deserved, kept her going even when she was on the cusp of starvation. She was a survivor, and she did what it took to make it while others did not. 

"Come on you bastard" Violet whispered to herself, keeping her bow aimed at the weak point in the soldiers armor. Finally he turned his body towards her, and she released. The arrow shooting right into his heart through his side, killing him instantly. The other soldiers were quickly alerted of the girl, but by that point Violet had gently leaped down from the tree and had shot an arrow through the skull of one more soldier. 

"Oh you're gonna pay for that you bitch!" One soldier cried out to her, Violet only smirked. She knew these men were no match for her. "Fuck you" She softly said before whipping Beast out and was ready for once again another battle. 

Her sword blocked their hits with ease, she was much quicker than them and it didn't take long before they realized this. her sword sliced through the neck of a man, she ripped it out quickly and threw it across the woods to an approaching soldier who was gaining on her. Both men were dead, but many more were coming fast. Taking the sword off the fallen soldier she defended herself while she ran over to retrieve her own blade.

She could feel her tired muscles tightening up with every thrust of her sword, she felt the exhaustion of having only eaten one time in the past month, having been too busy defending herself against these men. But she would not die today, not here. She would not give in so easily to a little hunger and exhaustion.

She grunted as the heavy blade of another came down onto her's and she pushed hard to keep him off of her. The man's helmet had fallen forward and rolled into the grass, giving Violet perfect view of him. Both her hands held onto Beast tightly as the man used all his strength against her, but she still never gave in. "Is this the best Joffrey can send?" She grunted out, feeling like her head would explode at any second. 

The man frowned and shifted all force to one arm, slapping her across the face with another. She fell sideways into the grass, her blade tumbling beside her. He ran for her, his blade held high to plunge deep into her chest. But Violet was quicker, she slipped an arrow out of her quiver and stabbed him swiftly through the eye. "Pathetic" She whispered, and slid the arrow out of his head and back into her quiver. 

Seven men dead, three to go. Two were gone within seconds, her bow proving to deadlier in places their armor just couldn't cover. Leaving Violet and the man with the oddly shaped beard. They circled each other, like a hunter and it's prey. Even though Violet was being hunted by half of Westeros, she was not the prey in this moment. No, she was his hunter and he would be dead like the other hundreds that had died before him.

"How does this feel? Knowing you can't defeat a little girl?" She asked tauntingly, dodging every attempt of his blade with the best of ease. She was still quick, probably quicker than any soldier on any army in the country, even with being malnourished on her side. The man could sense this, his eyes growing worried with every step of her boot, the boots that had crushed in many skulls over the past year. 

"You can either meet the same end as your comrads, or run back to your pig of a king and tell him his attempts are useless. I will kill any man who comes at me, and the throne will be mine! Make your choice!" Violet shouted at him. She tossed her sword aside and knocked an arrow into her bow instead, aiming it between his eyes, his green eyes that would lay dead in seconds if he did not choose. 

"I wont ask again" She said, pulling the string back tighter, her arm steady as can be. He nodded and sheathed his sword before running back through the forest. 

Violet however changed her mind. Her arrow changed direction and flew through the air, slicing through the mans ankle. A devastating cry sounded throughout the forest as the man grabbed at his ankle that was gushing crimson blood. "I changed my mind" She growled at him, and soon her sword had sliced heavily through his neck letting his head fall limp in the opposite direction of his body. 

She yanked up the head by it's hair and carried it with her through the woods. She wasn't quite sure of her intention's with the head, but figured it out quickly when she found a road. She slammed the head down on a stake, blood staining the once clean wood. She smiled at her work, a sick smile knowing someone would find this in time and know that Violet once more had succeeded. 

She was on a high for blood lust, she wanted so many people dead and wanted revenge for the agony being a Targaryen was bringing her. She was a different girl that the one that left Winterfell over two years ago, and the things she once loved and cherished were laying abandoned on the road, along with Janos Slynt's head.

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