Chapter Fifty-Six

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From a young age, Danaerys Targaryen was groomed for the throne. The youngest daughter of the mad king, surviving sister of Viserys— she was told time and time again that she would see Kings Landing again. By her brothers side, or by another. When her husband and brother died, her vision of the throne only intensified. She so clearly desired the crown and it's people, the throne that so many had died for. 

She never thought her own flesh and blood would be the thing to stand in her way.

As she read the scroll with the insignia of the Targaryen dragon on the bottom, the scroll that had been sent to every corner of the country, anger embedded itself inside of her like never before.

"Violet Targaryen has taken the throne. Cersei Lannister is dead. Long live the Queen."

"I can't believe she did this." she growled, tossing the scroll into the roaring fireplace. "My own sister."

"We don't know the whole story." Said Tyrion through anxious sips of red wine. The stress of the last few weeks hitting him hard. "I sent word to Sansa, I expect she would know." 

"Your Grace, with all due respect, we have more pressing matters at hand. Like the Stark boy, and the army of the dead."  Came the voice of Varys. 

Bran Stark had been a surprise to say the least. The army of white walkers that followed him was even bigger. They surrounded their island for weeks, waiting for any of them to make a mistake. So many times, Dany was tempted to drop Bran off elsewhere to be rid of them, but even she could admit she wasn't that cruel. 

"We are so close to Kings Landing. I can practically taste it." Dany mumbled, her violet eyes wavering as she watched the flickering flames dance in front of her, engulfing the many pieces of  driftwood. 

"Stop this!" Tyrion suddenly shouted.  He drunkely staggered from his seat and stumbled over to her. Her eyes widened in shock as her hand had never taken such a tone with her before. "You will doom us all with your ambition." 

"How dare you speak to me like that? Don't forget who gave you a chance when you were in Essos, a slave and a traitor." 

Tyrion chuckled emptily before taking another step closer to her. Varys hovered in the background like an anxious shadow. They could easily overpower the young woman seeing as no guards were around, however they were both wildly intimidated by her. 

"I do not forget a thing. I also do not forget who saved me in the Eyrie, who helped me escape Kings Landing. I will never forget those who help me, those I call friend. I once called you Queen and friend, and today I do not recognize you." Tyrion growled to her, his eyes like wildfire doused  in honeyed wine. " Violet has done nothing to betray you. She has done what was needed to do for Westeros. Every decision she has made was in the betterment of it's people. And you sit here in your selfish isolation, while she is willing to die for it all." 

"You seem quite comfortable in this selfish isolation. Perhaps we should change that." Dany rebutted, her temper rivaling Drogon himself.

"Do what you must with me. You are losing allies faster than you can see. You were so immersed in the news of the new Queen you completely missed the Greyjoys have left for the capital. They took the iron fleet to Kings Landing days ago, and you never even noticed." 

Dany blanched, she rushed out to the balcony to see in fact that all two hundred Greyjoy ships were in fact gone from the DragonStone docks. She slammed her palms along the landing and yelled out into the misty air. 

"Perhaps I might be of some help." Varys suggested hesitantly, not wanting to get in the center of their anger.  "Arrange a meeting with Violet." 

Dany whipped around and stomped over to him in anger. She was tired of those who served beneath her questioning her decisions. Ever since losing Jorah and Ser Barriston in the attacks on Mereen, she had been on a downward spiral. 

"She is my enemy." 

"She is your sister," argued Varys. "And regardless of your current feelings, she is your Queen." 

"Siblings have waged war against one another for thousands of years." Dany grunted, turning away from prying eyes of both men to glare at the empty harbor. "Targaryens included." 

"You don't mean that. You don't want to wage a war on your own twin." Answered Tyrion, still enjoying the wine sloshing around in his goblet. 

"I fear that is my only option." She recalled. "She has taken the one thing I want most in this world." 

"You foolish little girl," Tyrion quietly growled into his glass, before heaving it into the fire. The wine exacerbated the flames slightly, and the glass shattered against the wooden panels. "Are you blind to the issues at hand?"

"You are on thin ice, dwarf." Dany sneered, her finger in his face. 

"Dwarf," He snorted. "I haven't ever been dwarf to you, and suddenly you treat it as an insult. I will speak plainly, and only once. You can have me beheaded for treason or whatever insane crimes you think I have committed, but know this, I have lived in Westeros my entire life and you have not. 

I know it's people and it's great houses and one beautiful woman riding in with her terrifying flying beast, will not win them their allegiance to you. Danaerys Targaryen is a foreigner to them, Violet Snow it not. I have spent a decent amount of time with the pair of you, and she is precisely the Queen this country deserves. If you weren't so blind to your own ambition you would see that. If you want what's best for Westeros you will relinquish this dream of yours and find some solution to the fucking white walkers that are right outside!"

Tyrion was huffing in anger, so many things he needed off his chest. Dany glared to him at his defiance even though deep in her heart of hearts she knew he was right. 

Tyrion did not linger to feel the wrath Dany had been spouting at everyone for weeks. He shoved his way through the double doors of her chambers in search of more wine. Varys hovered in the corner, awaiting whatever insults awaited him. 

"Get out." She whispered, and Varys wasted no time in following her instructions. 

Dany had been betrayed by so many people in her life, but none had hurt as much as her own twin. Her claiming the throne and announcing to Westeros of herself as Queen pushed Dany passed the last bit of sanity she was clinging onto like a fragile thread. 

She glared at the empty parchment that laid on the table, it taunted her every time she looked at it. She couldn't trust herself anymore than she could trust anyone else in the country. As the tears passed by her uniquely colored eyes she wondered, what was she prepared to lose for the throne? She knew she was heading into a place of no return, and at the rate she was going she was currently prepared to lose it all. 

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