Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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"I'll miss you, Raena." Ellaria spoke, winking quickly to the short brunette. A color Violet still couldn't get used to being on the top of her head. Violet, Ellaria, and Oberyn were standing in front of a large ship that was on it's way to Eastwatch by the sea. And while most of the city's guards were busy with Tyrion the supposed king killer, Violet finally found her opportunity to sneak away. 

"We will see each other again, Raena Sand." Oberyn spoke, pulling Violet into his chest. "I'll finish what we started." He whispered quietly so only she could hear. She leaned forward, pecking him on the cheek before rushing off to board the ship that was filled with bastards, rapists, thieves and whoever else the capital deemed worthy of joining the nights watch. 

And while she was excited to be able to see the wall for the first time, finally reunite with the man who had been her best friend for her entire life. She was not excited about boarding another fucking ship.


The cold in the north had never bothered Violet. For whatever reason, she just never felt it. And while all the young boys sat cuffed and shivering on the top deck of the ship, Violet still felt as if she was in the south. She still wore leather breaches that protected her legs in case of combat. And tall boots that hid half a dozen knives between them. And while those pieces of clothing were often thought to be worn by men, her custom armored plate she wore made it very obvious that she was a woman. Many of the young boys on board took to gawking at her when she came into view. 

And like all the times before, she was the first person off of the ship when it docked. Her hatred for sailing increasing every time she stepped aboard. 

The wall was magnificent, more so than Violet could have ever imagined. Her neck strained to look from the bottom to the very top, and when she finally could see the top she could barely make out the torches that lined it. 

For payment of one nights stay and food at Eastwatch, she graciously spent six hours training the new recruits in archery and sword fighting. Even the master at arms was impressed with her skill and they quickly provided her with a horse to get to Castle Black for time well spent. 

The following day, it was nearing nightfall once more when she could finally see Castle Black ahead of her. She hopped off of her horse and decided to walk the rest of the way, her legs were sore from the long ride.

The sun set quickly, bringing with the night freshly falling snow. Violet smiled. She missed the North, and it was the first time since leaving her sister that she felt at home again. 

Violet's smile disappeared when the unmissable sound of a baby crying echoed through the night. She mounted her horse quickly before following the sound as best she could. She could make out a small figure running down the road towards the castle, a small bundle in her arms. 

"Are you alright?" Violet called out to the tiny woman, before dismounting her horse. The young girl couldn't be but a few years younger than herself. With big doe brown eyes and an innocent yet terrified look across her face. 

"They're  coming, the wildlings are coming!" She cried out before running towards Castle Black. Violet frowned, looking around in the direction the young girl came from, upon seeing nothing -- she followed her. 

"Please, open the gates!" The girl cried out, banging her tiny hand against the wooden door. A young boy was on the other side. 

"I'm sorry, I can't! You know I can't!" He stuttered out to her. 

Violet pulled Beast off her hip and gently pushed the girl aside, before sliding it through the opening in the door. "Open the fucking door." Violet quietly growled. 

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