Chapter Two.

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Daenaerys Targaryen wondered how she got here. Married to a horse lord, watching as the Dothraki mated and killed right in front of her. Her brother was the rightful king to the seven kingdoms across the narrow sea in Westeros. And he needed her new husband to provide him with an army as she was now his queen. Now, while she always thought she would always end up married to her brother as Targaryen's were known to do, she looked up to her tall dark skinned Dothraki husband and somehow knew he would be less cruel.

Her brother was ambitious that was for sure, but he was selfish and Dany never thought he would make a good king. She hated when he would touch her and boss her around, and looking around at times she wanted to throw Viserys into the pit with the Dothraki and hope for the best. But she reminded herself daily that he was the only blood she had left, the blood of the Dragon. And she loved him.

When her Dothraki wedding was over she was escorted to her tent by her Khas. A large golden tub adorned with the insignia of a large horse was in the corner of the room. The gifts from her wedding were piled in the corner awaiting her to arrange them. And Dothraki scarfs and ornaments were hanging from the tent lining.

She was used to the lavishness that living in Pentos had to offer, but this was different and she wasn't sure if it was good or bad. The one wedding gift from Magister Illyrio was her favorite, the box of petrified dragon eggs was open on a table in the center of the room. She let her fingers drift across the hardened shell and sighed. Her brother must really be the last dragon, she thought.

"Oh dear sister, your new husband sure knows how to throw a party" Viserys said as he sauntered half drunken into her tent. She turned around to glance at him before looking back at her dragon eggs. "I dont love him" Dany said quietly to her brother, not wanting to anger the dragon.

Her brother scoffed and grabbed Dany's arm, swiftly turning her around to face him. "I don't care if you love him or not! You are stuck with the horse lord until I get my army!" Viserys roared at her, making her wince. Dany just wanted to go home, to the home in Westeros that she had never seen before. She wished the Usurper had never killed her father, and then she would not be forced to marry a man she did not love, and probably never would.

"Fuck, I think they left the wrong twin on that turnip cart!" Viserys found himself yelling at her once more. But Dany actually snapped around to listen to what her brother had to say. What was he not telling her? "What are you talking about?" She asked him, crossing her arms protectively across her chest. Viserys just smirked and tilted his head at his little sister.

"Dear sister you didn't think you were the only girl of the Targaryen dynasty running around. Although who knows if your beloved twin is even alive right now"

Dany felt a sharp pain go through her heart at the though of the exact replica of her somewhere she didnt know. How could her and Viserys end up in Pentos while their sister might not have even made it. "What?" Was all Dany could get out.

"That night when the Usurper took the iron throne with help of those blasted Lannisters. For some reason you were seperated from our sister that night, I remember a man stashing her on a turnip cart that was about to leave the castle. All I could see before the cart took off was that he was bald and wearing some weird green cloak. Who knows if the damn girl is even alive right now" Viserys explained to her. He seemed unfazed by the fact that they had another sibling that she did not know about.

"What is her name?" Dany asked, finding herself wanting to cry for the abandoned girl.

"Rhaella." Viserys said. Dany sighed at the mention of the dead mother she never got to know. The woman who died giving birth to her and her sister, that she never even knew about. Viserys must have felt it was enough talk and stormed out of her tent more than likely to find more wine for himself.

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