Chapter Forty-Two

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Meereen was once again under the rule of Daenerys Targaryen, the masters from the other cities in Slavers Bay were released of their duty upon the arrival of both Targaryen sisters and a brand new army. And the sons of the harpy were quickly obliterated by the horde of Dothraki riders, with Violet and Daario Neharis fighting alongside them.

With blood dripping from her body, breathing heavily and exhausted, Violet sheathed her sword and fell against a stone wall beside her. Daario was instantly by her side.

"Fuck I missed an enemy who was actually breathing." Violet said, more to herself than anything, but Daario heard her anyway.

"What do you mean?" Daario asked, wiping the blood from his sword against a body that was laying in the streets.

"Oh, Daario I have so much to tell you. To tell all of you." Violet answered, she reached out and clutched his hand in hers. His hands were stained with just as much blood as hers, but they comforted her regardless.

Daario wrapped an arm around her waist, gently leaning her against the wall, encasing her body against his. She smiled and wound her arms around his neck. His lips were instantly crashing against hers, both of them still reeling from not only an intense fight but from also finally seeing each other since being apart.

A cough sounded near them, Violet pushed Daario off of her to find Davos and Commander Armitage standing beside them, both with smirks across their face.

"I believe our Queen has been asking for you," Davos told them. He had a hard time keeping the grin off of his face.

"Right, we should get back to Dany." Violet said, pushing herself off the wall and walking in the direction of the pyramid. Daario looked to Davos and Commander Armitage who both waited until he followed her before following themselves.


The great pyramid hadn't changed since Violet had last seen it. It was still obnoxiously big, sweltering hot inside, and it took her way too long to get to her sisters counseling chambers which were all the way at the top.

They were rather crowded when she walked inside, and grew even more so when Davos, Daario, and Armitage followed behind her.

Her sister was seated at the head of her table, with Missandei and Grey Worm on either side to her. Tyrion and Lord Varys were standing, along with three Dothraki blood riders and several Unsullied.

"Tyrion! My friend!" Violet exclaimed once she saw him. Tyrion turned his head and his eyes widened taking her in.

"Lovely Violet!" he responded, walking over with the intention to hug her before seeing the amount of blood that riddled her body. "I'll hug you later," he joked.

"I see you made it out of Kings Landing alright, you obviously weren't beheaded for that beasts murder," she said, leaning on her hip with her arms crossed against her chest.

"You are most correct. After King Tommen abolished the right to a trial by combat, I was sentenced to die. My dear friend here helped me escape," Tyrion told her, motioning to Lord Varys who walked over and smiled at the young woman.

"How did the North treat you, my dear?" Varys asked, a certain twinkle in his eye. Violet found Varys intriguing in the sense that he almost always knew the answer to the question he was asking, he appeared to be asking out of obligation.

"I watched my best friend die and come back to life, I sentenced eleven men to their deaths, I was burned alive, I acquired an army, I killed a King, and I discovered that the biggest threat out there is one that nobody is even aware of." Violet told him, a sarcastic chuckle passing through her chapped lips. Violet always liked to get right to the point, and there were no secrets from any of the people in this room.

"It seems you were exactly where you needed to be," Varys said placing a gentle hand on her blood stained shoulder.

"I wanted to welcome you back properly, but like Tyrion said, I'll wait until you clean up," Dany said to her, gently pushing her way in between Tyrion and Varys to stand in front of her sister.

Dany took her seat back at the head of her table, and the room spent the next two hours catching up on missing information that was crucial knowledge to everyone in the room. Tyrion explained how Prince Doran took ill and passed away, leaving Oberyn as the leader of Dorne. That worked well in Violet's favor as they already had an alliance. He also casually mentioned how he murdered his father on his way out of Kings Landing.

Varys caught her up on the politics in Kings Landing. How Cersei convinced Tommen to abolish the trial by combat, they were now arming religious fanatics in the city, and Tommen and Margaery were ruling side by side.

When it was Violet's turn and all eyes were on her, she almost panicked. She needed to convince her sister and everyone else in this room that the white walkers were real. That the fight for the throne they had been preparing themselves years for, was now going to have to inevitably take a pause. Her sister couldn't rule over a country of corpses.

"Everyone in this room has been fighting to get you on the throne, Dany. And I went back to Westeros to gain even more alliances, and I did that. I have house Martell behind us, I've gained two-thousand more soldiers, I even believe we have most of the free folk from beyond the wall behind us. But I found more information that is even more important, and everything we've done and everything we've fought for isn't going to mean a damn thing if we don't face the real threat,"

"And what is that?" Dany asked with raised eyebrows.

"The army of the dead," Violet replied.

Violet could sense the skeptical eyes from around the room, if she hadn't seen it with her own two eyes, if she hadn't taken a blade to the shoulder, if she hadn't fought them herself, she would be skeptical too.

"I'm not making this up. I have fought them, I've seen the night king in person, it's why Jon and I were helping the free folk move further south. We've all seen them, and they are coming. The night king just added a thousand more bodies to his army and there won't be a westeros if we don't face them first."

"Where is this army now?" asked Daario. Violet turned to him, looking straight into his chocolate colored eyes. She knew Daario would follow her to hell is she asked, and in that moment he looked like he was ready to. 

"Last we saw them, they were at Hardhome. Not that far from Eastwatch by the sea." 

"Sister, I'm not saying I don't believe you. But what you are saying is unimaginable." Dany said. 

"As unimaginable as a person coming back from the dead? Someone being burned alive or dragons? We're living in an unimaginable world, Dany. We need to fight for that world!" Violet argued, bringing reason to the people who were hesitant to believe her. 

Dany nodded to her sister before allowing everyone to clear the room, leaving only the two of them together. Violet took the seat beside Dany and clutched her hand in hers. She could feel Dany try and pull her hand out of hers that was slowly staining her skin with their enemy's blood. Violet smirked to her twin and clutched her hand tighter.

"I missed you," Violet told her. 

Dany smiled and squeezed her hand. "I missed you too. But we both seemed to fair well in our time apart."

"Slowly conquering the world, piece by piece." Violet softly mumbled, her voice growing tired. The long journey across the sea, her first flight on Rhael, and the long battle after had left Violet ready to sleep where she was.

"You're tired, sister. We can plan more tomorrow. I've already instructed Commander Armitage to take your men to the barracks and I've given your advisor chambers beside Tyrion." Dany told her, pulling Violet gently to her feet. 

Violet smiled gratefully at her twin before kissing her on the top of her silver hair. She was quick in rushing to her chambers, already finding Daario asleep in her bed. She smiled and crawled in beside him, falling asleep almost instantly -- both of them still covered in the days battle. 

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