Chapter Nineteen.

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Violet sat in the corner of her sisters tent, keeping watch as Missandei washed her sisters hair. She smirked as Missandei corrected her sisters Dothraki, to Violet the language all sounded the same in the regards that she had no clue what was being said. She liked Missandei, she was a sweet girl who was unfortunate enough to find herself into slavery in the city of Astapor. Until Dany relieved her of that duty. 

Violet's ears prickled at the sound of incoming footsteps outside of her sisters tent, causing her to pull Beast from it's sheath. "Violet put your sword away, it's probably Ser Jorah." Dany said with boredom from across the tent as she sunk deeper into her tub. Violet ignored her and moved closer to the entrance of the tent. One single Unsullied fighter strolled inside, a sack in his arms. 

The man lunged for Violet, but she was of course quicker. She slid his metal helmet off with ease before knocking him across the nose, him falling to the ground. "You have made a mistake Daario Neharis." Violet grumbled, her sword to his neck. The man did not tremble under her blade like the usual unfortunate soul, instead he smirked. 

"Oh, I like you." He said, his smirk growing.

 "You won't, when I kill you!"

"Violet, let him speak." Dany said from behind them, she was out of the tub and dressed thanks to Missandei who was looking on nervously from the back of the tent. Violet sighed before sheathing her sword and yanking Daario quickly off the ground.

He picked up the sack he dropped before relieving it's contents onto the ground. Dany and Missandei both turned away from the sight of Mero and his captain's heads rolling around on the floor, Violet however took to kicking them across the tent like a ball, a motion that caused Daario to chuckle loudly.

"You don't take the phrase about having respect for the dead lightly, do you?" Daario asked with a smile. 

 " He was a pig." Violet shrugged. " If killing your captains is supposed to make us trust you, it doesn't."

"Why are you here?" Dany asked, stepping up to her sisters side. 

"You." Daario said simply, looking between the twins. Violet did not care for his answer, and her sword was against his neck within moments. "What are you playing at?" She growled. 

Daario seemed to be the only person who was not affected negatively  by Violet's blade, her temper and the ferocity in her eyes. He seemed to find them endearing, where Violet found herself not knowing how to respond when he continuously smiled with a sword seconds from slicing through his flesh. 

"I mean no harm darling girl. I am not here to harm the queen, nor you." 

"You couldn't harm me if you tried for a thousand days." Violet quipped, before removing beast from his neck. 

Dany sighed before taking a step between her sister and Daario. "Why should we trust a man who killed his captains?" She asked stoically, an eyebrow raised high. 

"Well we had philosophical differences you see. Now I told them you were the two most beautiful women I have ever seen, and you the best fighter." He said nodding to Violet. " They disagreed before they ordered me to kill you both, without a choice. I said I'm Daario Neharis I always have a choice. They drew their swords, I drew mine." He finished, nodding to the lifeless heads that were rolled across the tent. 

"So you fight for me?" Dany asked. Daario nodded. "Will you fight with her?" She asked once more, motioning to her sister who stood beside her. 

"It would be an honor." He responded. 

"Then swear to me." Said Dany, and Daario took to his knee, his sword laid across it. 

"My sword is yours, my life is yours." He said to Dany before turning to Violet. "My heart is yours."


Later that evening after Missandei had fallen asleep, and the twins checked on their dragons they found themselves curled up together in Dany's large bed. "I think Daario is quite taken with you." Dany said softly as she reached over and curled some of her twin sister's hair around her finger. She took notice how while their hair was definitely the same pale white, it felt noticeably different than her own. 

She had Hand Maidens, and Dothraki slaves tending to her hair for as long as she can remember. And now Missandei had brought along with her fresh oil from the city of Astapor that made her already bright hair shine like the sun. Her hair was soft, and smelt of freshly picked flowers even on her worse day. Her sister's did not. 

Her sister's hair was coarse and broken at the ends, it was also a foot shorter than her own. She could see the ridges and the uneven lines where Violet sliced her sword through her locks in the attempt to keep it tame. It baffled Dany how truly different the two of them were in all aspects of life, from the way they spoke to the hair on their head. But Dany loved Violet with every piece of her, and wouldn't change a thing about her. 

Violet closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of her sister playing with her hair, but smirked at her statement. "He's a strange man." She mumbled on the brink of sleep. 

"How so?" Asked Dany. 

"He's cocky, and sure of himself. He doesn't even blink an eye when I threaten to kill him. Most men would grovvel at my feet not to kill him, he seems to take pleasure in it." 

Dany couldn't help but silently chuckle to herself, Violet basically described herself. She was a confident girl in all things, fighting being on the top of the list. She would also never flinch if someone threatened to kill her, not like any fool would do something so stupid. 

"Was that how Jon was?" Dany asked. Violet's eyes opened at the mention of the boy she had once loved, a boy that hadn't graced her thoughts in quite some time. 

"No." Violet shook her head "Jon was...Jon was not like that at all. He was hesitant with his sword, afraid of killing a man and was never too sure of himself." 

"Seems like your opposite." Said Dany softly. Violet smiled, "We were nothing alike. Our stubbornness might be the one trait we shared. But I didn't love him because we were the same."

"What made you love him?" Dany asked, remembering herself what it was like to fall in love for the first time. A man she once loathed turned out to be the only man on her mind. 

"He was my best friend. We were both raised as bastards, and knew what it was like to be on Catelynn Starks bad side. I don't know, the more time that has passed I think I loved him more because of his friendship. I'll still protect him with my life, but I think it's a different love than what you have for Drogo." Dany smiled at her sister and nodded her head. "Mine and Drogo's passion burned like hot searing coals, and we loved each other with such an intensity it was scary. Was that what you felt for Jon?" 

Violet immediately shook her head. "No." She said. 

"You will. You will find someone one day who you can actually be with. Who will protect you with the same ferocity that you protect me with. And love you so much you cannot breathe. I have faith sister that you will find that person one day." And Dany kissed her sister on the head. Violet might be better with a sword and better at protecting Dany's life. But Dany knew more about love, and she made it her duty to protect Violet's heart just as she does her life. 

"Maybe." Violet yawned before falling asleep curled up next to her. Dany made sure her guards outside the tent were placed properly before crawling inside the bed beside her sister and falling asleep immediately . And  neither girl was aware of the smiling commander of the second sons who stood outside the tent, having heard their entire conversation. 

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