Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Violet hated the city. She hated the people, the smell, most of all she hated the castle. She hated seeing the Lannister lion hanging within the red keep with every step she took. She hated seeing the putrid King Joffrey sitting upon the throne that was stolen from her father. And the Stag that also hung from the ceiling, one Baratheon killed the brother she never knew, and one was currently in open rebellion against the crown, including her sister. 

But most of all she hated how much it didn't feel like home. Winterfell had always been home to her. It had been the only home she ever knew, until she found her sister and home seemed to change every year. She loved the simplicity of Winterfell, the lack of chaos had always been comforting for her. And now her life was nothing but chaos, and she wondered how much more of it she could actually handle. 

If her and Dany did take Kings Landing, then what would be her duty forward? Sit beside the iron throne as her hand? Her war counselor? If the great war was over, what was Violet's place in that world? Growing up a bastard had always seemed shameful to most people, but growing up that way left Violet with more opportunities than if she had been raised a high born lady. She was able to train with the finest swordsmen in The North. She saw battle at a very young age, which bled her early. And she acquired various skills that would have been lost on her had she been raised a lady. And being raised as she had, made it quite clear to her that sitting in a throne room day in and day out was not what she wanted to do. 

Something she wanted to do far less was trust Lord Baelish. Petyr Baelish, thanks to Lady Olenna, had become the person she had now entrusted with the safety of Sansa Stark. And while Violet was currently sneaking around in the Grand Maesters storages, he was currently sneaking around with Lady Olenna making sure the final pieces of their plan were falling into place. And hopefully within a few short hours, Westeros would be down one Lannister. 

Violet knew which vial she was looking for, Petyr had verbally described which poison it was multiple times, as well as drew her a picture and a map. As if she wasn't capable of finding a small vial of poison on her own. 

Though Maester Pycell's potions storages were much larger than she anticipated, and she found herself walking in circles numerous times. "Where in seven hells are you?" She whispered to herself after walking past the seventh shelf that contained milk of the poppy. 

"Whose there?" She heard Maester Pycells voice call out in the darkness, a lantern shown softly in the distance. Violet quietly maneuvered around multiple shelfs until she was directly behind the Maester. "Do you have any idea who you're stealing from!" The Maester shouted into the darkness, Violet instead of responding, knocked him across the back of the head with the helm of her sword. 

She moved quickly before finally finding the bottle of poison labeled 'The Strangler' and quickly and quietly sneaking her way back to Petyr Baelish's chambers. 


Violet wasn't originally going to attend the wedding of Margaery and Joffrey. But the thought of actually getting to see Joffrey's face when he swallowed the potion that was smuggled into the wedding, made her change her mind rather quickly. 

While it was risky to be attending such a public event, also along with the fact her weapons weren't allowed, Violet somehow made it to the reception unidentified. She sat at a long table between Ellaria who continuously fed Oberyn fruit, and Lord Varys who seemed to immediately take a particular interest in her. His eyes could not wander elsewhere. 

"Beautiful eyes, my dear." He said softly. "Very unique." 

Violet looked around quickly, seeing only Martell soldiers that knew who she was in front of her. And since meeting Lord Varys, she got the sense that he knew exactly who she was, yet he said nothing.

"Thank you, Mi'lord." She whispered, before tucking some of her newly darkened hair behind her ears. 

"Oh my dear, despite what everyone calls me. I am no Lord." He answered with a small smile on his face. 

"Then what shall I call you?" Asked Violet, turning her attention from Joffrey tormenting poor Tyrion, back to Lord Varys.

"You can call me a guardian of sorts. How else do you think you found your sister in Qarth?" Varys spoke so softly, Violet barely heard him over the chatter around them. But she did, and her eyes widened at the information. This was the man who had been feeding her information all these years. He had informed her of her sisters whereabouts, the betrayal of Robb Stark, and various other things. Was he also the man who kept her safe the night her and her sister were separated as babies. 

"You. It was you?" Violet whispered, once again making sure nobody was eavesdropping on their conversation. 

"Of course, my dear. Many might think they know where my allegiances lie, but they have always  resided with the people of the realm. I will always do what is good for the realm."

"And what is good for the realm?" She asked. 

"Someone who fights for the people, will always be best for the people. A young girl who overcomes the odds and becomes one of the fiercest and loyal warriors of the land. A young woman sold as a slave who fights for the land she wants to conquer. And the two of them together make for the best chance our country has." Varys said, reaching over to cover Violet's hand with his own. "But the best place for you is not here, Not after today." 

"I don't know what you are talking about." Violet mumbled ignorantly, glancing over to see Joffrey cutting through his wedding cake with his brand new sword. The sight made Violet wince, it was no way to treat such a beautiful blade. 

"We both know we will be crowing a new king soon. And we know Cersei will be taking vengeance on whoever stands in her way."

"I didn't come all the way to Kings Landing just to turn around and leave." Violet grumbled angrily. 

"No, you came to Westeros to ensure there were alliances for you and your sister. You will not find those here. However you will find what you are looking for in the North."

"Winterfell is occupied by the Boltons. They will certainly not help me in any way."

"I don't mean Winterfell, Child. I mean The Wall." Varys whispered. "There will be a ship ready to take you to Eastwatch by the sea this evening. From there you can travel to Castle Black. You will know when it is safe." Lord Varys said before frowning and jumping from his seat along with everyone around them.

"Someone help the poor boy!" She heard Lady Olenna shout from the long table. "Help your King!"

It was a glorious sight. To see Joffrey turn as purple as a Dornish wine, to see him claw into his own neck to find breath. His bloody fingers moved from clawing at his throat, to gripping onto his Mother who was holding him to her chest. Violet was thrilled, but her face could not show it. 

She looked to her right to see Sansa was gone, exactly as planned. And Violet breathed out a sigh as she knew Sansa was actually out of this retched city. And somehow Tyrion had been blamed for the entire thing. 

"You'll know your chance. Take it. Don't stay in this wretched city longer than you have to." Varys said before quickly moving to help Maester Pycell with Joffrey's body. 

Violet had planned to stay in Kings Landing to finish her task. To kill Cersei and Jaime and Tywin and any other Lannister she could get her hands on. But the thought of seeing her best friend again after all these years had her contemplating otherwise. 

Trusting Varys was something she almost had no choice in. As the man had not only saved her life, brought her to her sister, and gave her important information. But he seemed to be one of the most knowledgable people in the seven kingdoms. How could she not listen to the man who seemed to always be in the right place at the right time? 

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