Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness

Start from the beginning

- Quiet!!! Omer barked.

The next second, she was already standing in the cramped corridor of the apartment and gasped for air. Omer let go of the stretched wool sleeve and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Now listen to me." Defne is my wife. So hold back your indignation. Better yet, apologize for the offensive words you just told her.

"I-and-I'm sorry," the woman obediently blew turning to Defne.

She nodded in confusion. Omer grinned in satisfaction and continued his speech:

"It is very good that you came to us this morning." We must warn you that we are moving out of this house. Today. You can keep the October fee for yourself. Sister Zehra and Sukru will arrive a little later, collect our things and give you the keys. Now, please, disappear. Defne and I have no time for empty talk.

The door behind the woman opened, and she instantly was behind the threshold. The wooden canvas hit the jamb in a big way. With an open mouth and a dumbfounded look, she went down the steps and stopped. Damn it! Again she was left without tenants! But she hoped so ...

The door opened again and Omer stepped outside. He raised an eyebrow inquiringly and asked:

- Are you still here?

The phrase was spoken in such a tone that she hurried to disappear away from the scanning gaze of cold, coal-black eyes. Looking after her trail, Omer, jumping over two steps, rushed upstairs. Of the allotted twenty minutes, fourteen remained. But he did not want his wife to go to work alone, and besides, in a taxi.

Exactly fourteen minutes later, an elegant and confident couple came out of the apartment on the ground floor. Pajamas were replaced by business suits, disheveled hair - neat hairstyles. Here are just the facial expressions remained the same. And you could call it in one word - happiness. It burst from the eyes, shone in smiles and softened features. Looking at each other, Omer and Defne approached the car. Sukru, smiling, opened the door in front of them. And then a mannered voice sounded, from the sound of which Omer rolled his eyes. The annoying Sabrina cаme next to the car.

- Omer! Good morning! She said sweetly. In contrast to her tone, the look to Defne blazed with anger. "I decided not to cook anything today." Maybe we'll have breakfast in the cafe. There is a wonderful place nearby.

Sukru burst out laughing. Omer's speech disappeared from such impudence. But Defne was not confused. She smiled sweetly at the girl and said:

"Sabrina, turn your attention to someone else." In the case of Omer, you only lose time. My husband is having breakfast, "she looked at Omer and smiled at him," only with me.

Sunlight flashed in his gaze. There was so much love, admiration, delight in him, so much tenderness and affection that Defne thought - he kisses her with eyes.

"Is he your husband ?!" The hysterical screech interrupted the conversation. "But ... but ... but ... how can this be?"

"Ordinarily," Omer answered and showed the ring on the ring finger of his left hand. "It's strange that you didn't notice it." Okay, Sabrina. Have a nice day. Defne and I are in a hurry. Darling?

He looked at his wife, but her gaze was fixed on the corner of the house. There stood a shaggy, blue-eyed boy in which Omer recognized the boy who had given him the address of Defne.

She lightly touched her husband's hand. She asked: "Wait a couple of minutes," and went to the boy. He looked serious. Like an adult.

"Are you leaving the area?" Defne nodded. - It's a pity. You are the best thing here.

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