13 | Let's kill that b*tch

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"No... Don't... leave .... me"

"Ginny, If i stay for another minute you'll die! You're bleeding heavily and you needed medical help as soon as possible"

"Mione.. heal.. me... I.. know.. you.. can"

"Ginny, I can't. I'm too much of a mess right now, I can't even think of a healing spell to.."

"You.. can.. do.. it"


"Help.. me... Mione"

Her eyes pleading at me and I know we don't have much time left. She's dying as we speaking.

I raised my wand and pointed at her abdomen.

Conjure up a spell that came into mind, with tears still streaming down my face.

I tried my best to keep my emotion away and focusing on healing her.

It took me five minutes but thank the heavens her abdomen stop bleeding.

I looked at her legs and then looked at her face with sorrow expression.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know a spell that can heal a broken bone"

"It's okay... at least.. I'm not bleeding.. anymore"

"Ginny? Who did this to you? One of the death eaters got you?"

"No.. it was that girl.. the blonde girl... we saw her.. at the cafe"

"What? That girl who was arguing with her mother?"

"Yes.. she's Draco's half-sister... she's going to... kill them all.. tonight"

"What?! Oh merlin! We need to stop her!"

"I tried.... I'm done Mione... he was.. f*cking her.. he betrayed me... lied to me"

Heart broken written all over her face and I felt really sorry for her. I know how much she love Draco.


"I.. i believed him.. I think we were meant to be... stupid... stupid girl.."

"You are not stupid. You were in love with him"

"I thought it... would be... different this time..."

"Ginny, I'm really sorry"

"I fought for him... i got stabbed because of him... my legs are broken because of him... I'm done Mione.. I am completely done with Draco Malfoy"

I know that it's wise to stay silent, that she's already hurt too much but I don't want her to regret not doing anything to save Draco from his terrible fate.

"Ginny, I know you're angry. I know you're hurt. But have you considered why he did that? What if she was lying to you? To tore you apart from Draco so her plan worked perfectly? Perhaps she exaggerated it to make it looked like Draco's.."

"Mione.. don't make excuses for him.. I said.."

"I know, he had his faults. But Ginny, are you ready to live in a world without him? To let him go completely?"

She didn't answer to my questions, just silently crying and somehow this broke my heart more.

"HERMIONE?!" Harry's screaming is heard and I wiped my tears, standing up and make my way to the stairs.


He turns his head so fast and quickly run to me. He holds me so tight and I cried in his shoulder.

I'm The One • Drinnyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن