Chapter 3

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Third Person POV :

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry..."

Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger said at the same time when they're at their bedroom and then Ginny run to Hermione's direction and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Hermione. I shouldn't have said that to you.. I was just so angry because.."

"I know.. it's okay. I get it. If I was in your position I'm sure I'll get mad too"

"So we're good?"

"Of course we are. I can't stay mad with you Gin! We'll both be lost without each other"

They both chuckled and hugged each other again before they seated at Mione's bed.

"Should we have some sleepover? Oh Mione I've just seen a best sunset in my life!"

"Really? Well is this best sunset moment has anything to do with a certain blonde boy?"

Ginny blushed madly but nodded her head anyway.

"Well then we should definitely had a sleep over because I want to tell you something too! It's about Harry!"

"Ooh!! I bet it's great" she wiggles her eyebrows while Hermione just rolled her eyes at her.

"Just get your things and come back in here you crazy"

"Well surely we all can't be perfect Mione"

Hermione laughed at her friend words and throws a pillow at her bum before she disappeared to her room.

Fifteen minutes later, both girls already in Mione's bed with lots of chocolates and marshmallows to accompany them.

"I'm sure after eating all this sugary sweets my action won't be controllable and I'll get so hyper" Ginny said while plopping one marshmallow at her mouth while Mione just laughed at her.

"Thank Merlin it's Friday"

"Cheers to that" Ginny raised her marshmallow and Hermione do the same then they both meets their marshmallow, like they doing a toast and after that they broke apart in laughed.

They both shared to each other about their moments with their men.

"Aww. Mione! He clearly likes you back!"

"How can you know that Ginny? I'm sure you're mistaken"

"Nuh uh. I'm sure. Just wait and I'm sure he'll tell you about his feelings sooner, because all this triwizard thingy. Who knows that he'll succeed right?"

"Well I'm sure he'll succeed" Hermione said before plopping a chocolate in her mouth and Ginny just shook her head.

"You're really whipped Mione"

"I'm not Gin! I'm just really really scared about his safety.. I know he handled the dragon really well but.. oh Merlin. I'll do anything just to keep him safe"

Ginny smiled at Hermione. She's really got it bad, Ginny thought.

"Well, you on the other hand, I can't believe that Malfoy could be that sweet!"

"Oh Mione! He's so Perfect! I think I won't let him go any soon. He's stuck with me" Ginny said happily before eating another marshmallow.

"Well if he makes you happy, I'm glad Gin. Hopefully he won't do anything bad to you because he had to face me first then he'll face the rests of the Weasley clan, and of course Harry"

"Of course. Right after I hexed him with my bat boogey hex first, of course"

They both laughed out loud. Enjoying their self while Harry and Ron already sleeping peacefully in their beds.

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