14 | It consumes me

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Malfoy Manor is as quiet as a cemetery and the three of us looked at each other before entering it.

Smells of bloods reeking in the air and I have to hold back the puke when I saw a dead body next to the door.

"Let's split up so we can find them faster"

"Okay. Send a patronus when you found them"

"Ginny, you're coming with me. I'll help you walk, leave that walking stick in here"

"No! The three of us must search separately so we can find them faster"

"Ginny, the walking stick will give you away!"

"I don't give a shit. Look, the more we argue about this the more time we waste! I'm going alone, Hermione. Don't worry about me"

"Fine. But if we can't find them anywhere in this manor, we'll come back here and regroup. Agree?"



"Okay. Stay safe and don't make any sound"

Hermione goes to the stairs while Pansy moves to the left and I'm walking to the right. I tried so hard to not making any sound and almost agree on Hermione to ditch this stick so I can walk faster but then I'll be dragging my legs while I'm walking, like the mountain trolls did.

My head and abdomen is aching but I try to focusing myself on more important matter.

You have to be strong. You have to save him or you'll regret it for the rest of you life.

I've never been to Malfoy Manor before but I imagine it must've been grand and luxurious before Voldemort makes it as his death eater nest.

An expensive looking chandelier shatters on the floor, the piano tile is covered in blood, the sofas pointing at weird directions and the curtains hanging loosely, it looks like it's going to fall.

Suddenly a piercing scream is heard and I turned my head so quickly I'm surprised I didn't snapped my neck.

Pansy appears with pale face and a ragged breath.

"I think it's from the stairs" she whisper and not a moment later, Hermione's patronus appears.

"They're at the third room in second floor. Turns left after you've taken the stairs. Hurry up, she's torturing Draco"

My head is spinning so I grabbed Pansy's arm for support.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. Come on"

By the looks she gives me I know she knows I'm lying but stays silent anyways and leading both of us to the stairs.

Hermione has been standing in the dark and when she sees us, she stepped in to the light and raised a finger to her lips.

After exchanging one last glance to each other, Pansy kicked the door opened and all eyes darted towards us.

The scene in front of me will surely haunts me till the day I die.

Lucius Malfoy has been laying down to a table. His legs spread opens and his ankles and wrists are in chains. His shirt soaked in blood, his usual straight and shining platinum hair is now as dirty and unruly as Hagrid's hair.

Narcissa Malfoy's been strapped to a chair, her lips are sealed with a duct tape, her eyes and cheeks bruised. There's a dagger on her left thigh and her blood keeps dropping to the floor.

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