5 | Like what you see, Weasley?

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See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'
'Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'
Ariana Grande ft Nicki Minaj - Side by side

A week after that disastrous propose, the tension between Harry and Hermione's still thick.

Sure they still have their meetings to do their secret task from Dumbledore but after that they both act so mannered towards each other that proves things haven't been mended between them.

Today the three of them left early in the morning after they ate breakfast.

Right now I'm seating in the terrace and admiring the garden.

Oh who am i kidding, I was admiring the handsome blonde that's been mowing the lawn since twenty minutes ago.

The sun shines so bright, makes him all sweaty and that damn white shirt he wore just cling into his body like a second skin.

There's no words to describe how sexy and delicious he looks right now.

I take a sip of my lemonade and still feeling flustered after that.

His first task is finally done and now he's doing his second task. Watering the plants.

He put down the water hose and take off his shirt. He was walking shirtless and make me feel hotter than before.

Dear lord

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Dear lord.

I sat up suddenly to get a better look and saw how beautiful his body is. Then, to my delight, the bastard raise the hose and let the water run through his body. The water dropped from that broad shoulder and flat stomach underneath it to the jeans he wore that hung dangerously low on his hips.

Hot damn. This is my jam.

Wait, what?!

Pull yourself together, girl!

I wanted to tear away my gaze but i can't.

Oh Merlin, please give me the strength to look away and get my ass out of here before he knows I was watching him and think of me as a total creep.

Then he looked up and our eyes locked.

Holy shit. I got caught watching him like a perv!


He chuckles and his lips curled into a lazy smirk.

"Like what you see, Weasley?"

I snorted even though I was so embarrassed.

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