Book 2 - Summary

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"Weasley!" A voice barked at me from behind the tent and I looked back, wands at the ready.

"Who's there?"

"Get the fuck out of here you nitwit! You'll get yourself killed!" I know whose voice is that. It's him. The man that broke my heart so many times but despite it all I still love him.

"And why the hell did you care?" I said through a gritted teeth.

"Fucking stubborn woman! Just listen to me for this time! I'm serious! They're coming to get Saint Potter here"

"And let me rephrase that. Why the hell did you care?!" I snapped at him. Really don't want to deal with his shit right now.

"Goddamnit!" He walked out of the dark spot behind the tent and looked at me with that piercing stormy grey eyes of his.

He grabbed my wrists rather harshly and leaned down to whisper at me.

"Because I fucking love you" with that he apparated both of us out of my brother Bill's wedding party.


She loves him.
He loves her.

But it's not that simple.

They're both the exact opposite, they're enemies. He fight for the dark side, she fight for the white side.

But no matter how much they tried, they can't denied the spark between them that never ends. They always have a thing for each other even though they're not supposed to.

So what will it be? Them against the world? Or them against each other?

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