~ Epilogue ~

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(I recommend you play the song that I've attached on top 🔝 while you read this chapter. Trust me, it helps you get all the feeling)

(When you reached the part where she got inside the pensieve, the bold and italic words are written from Draco's point of view, of his memory. When the words are written like usual -like this- it's from Ginny's point of view. Hope that helps!)


Everyone sorts of assumes that when faced with life-and-death situations, you will panic. But almost everyone who's actually experienced something like that will tell you that panic is some sort of luxury that you cannot afford.

In that moment, you act without thinking, doing all you can with what's in front of you.

It's when it's over that you scream.

And cry.

And wonder how you got through it.

Because most likely,in the case of real trauma, your brain isnt great at making memories.

Here's what I remember.

I remember screaming after seeing her raising the dagger.

I remember running towards their direction.

I remember someone grabbing my waist and put a handkerchief on my mouth.

I remember when I open my eyes and see that I've been tied to the table.

I remember screaming for help but there's no sound coming out.

I remember when I thought all hope was lost and started to cry.

I remember when the door is opened and he walked inside.

I remember he cut all the ropes before leaning to the wall.

I remember hugging his body and felt his blood pouring out from his abdomen.

I remember crying as his legs failed him and he fell into my arms.

I remember taking his memory and put it on a vial.

I remember the way he caress my face before his hand hanging limply.

The moment I realized that Draco, my Draco, was going to die, I started gasping for air.

He was unconscious in my arms. He looked paler than normal. There was blood everywhere.

But amidst it all, I could see his handsome face.

I did not have the luxury of panic.

So I kept on holding him in my arms. I held his hand even though it felt limp. The hands that used to hold me tightly, the hands that used to caress my hair softly, the hands that used to be so warm now cold and lifeless.

I put my forehead to his and said, "I want you to stay, Draco. I need you" I grabbed his hand tighter. "But if you have to go, then go. Go if it hurts. Go if it's time. Just go knowing that you were loved, that I will never forget you, that you will live in everything that I do. Go knowing that I love you purely, Draco"

He died few minutes later.

After he was gone, I had the devastating luxury of panic.

The ray of sunshine hits me right in the eyes and I woke up instantly.

My eyes were swollen from crying, and my throat hurt.

My cheeks still stained by my tears. I was pretty sure I fell asleep from exhaustion for an hour, maybe less. And that I still hold his body in my arms.

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