Chapter 1: It Still Hurts (Colby's POV)

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"Get up Colby!" Sam yelled as he walked into my room. Guess I forgot to lock my front door. I groaned as he opened the curtains. "You can't spend another day in bed! You've barely left it since we got back from Florida. We're leaving for Vidcon soon!" He seemed cheery and excited. I rolled over in bed to see what time it was. 7:13 am. We have a flight to London at 10am. I didn't really want to go to Vidcon this year but we had to. For the fans. I sat up as Jake and Corey walked in.
"Wow! He's up," Jake teases as he looked around my bedroom.
I glared at him, "Shut up Jake."
"Yeah Jake, you know he's still heart broken over Azaria," Corey joined in to tease me. Hearing Azaria's name made my heart hurt. One of the reasons I barely go out anymore. If I don't go out I have less of a chance of seeing anyone, especially fans, who will ask questions about us. Also almost everywhere I go reminds me of her. Makes since cause we went almost everywhere together.
"Let's leave Colby to get ready," Sam got Jake and Corey out of my room. When he looked back to close the door I mouthed 'thank you' to him. He nodded and shut my door. I sighed and pulled myself up out of bed. I got in the shower and let the hot water spray down on me. Memories of Azaria filled my brain. Her smile, her giggle, the way her eyes light up when she talks about something she loves. Her blue eyes that would be a light green when she was tired or sad. The day she walked into that office I liked her immediately. It was like I was drawn to her. I can't help but wonder how things would have been different if we didn't have the contract. Would we have even met?
"Colby! Hurry up! We gotta head to the airport in 30 minutes!" Sam yelled through the door which pulled me out of my thoughts.
"I'm getting out right now!" I yelled back while turning off the shower. I quickly brushed my teeth and dried my hair the best I could. I pulled on my boxers then some grey sweatpants. I dig through my closet before finally deciding on a XPLR shirt. I pulled it on along with my Vans. I get grabbed my bags before locking my apartment and turning everything off. The guys and I got in our Uber and headed to the airport. This was going to be a long weekend. I already knew there would be a lot of questions about Azaria. I guess we did that to ourselves though cause we never really addressed our breakup.
London. We were here just a few short months ago to film a series for the Sam and Colby channel. Now we're back. I looked out the window of our Uber as it pulled up to the hotel. We were just a block away from Vidcon, luckily. We carried our bags inside and Sam checked us in. It was currently 6 almost 7am in London. I'm glad I slept on the plane. We had to be at Vidcon at 11am, we went up to our rooms. Jake and Corey shared the room next to Sam's and mine. We did, however, have a adjoining door to each other. We decided to just leave it open. We all decided to have a two hour nap and wake up at 9am. I fell asleep in what I was wearing.

 I fell asleep in what I was wearing

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