Chapter 17

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changbin woke up without felix in his arms, he looked up, not seeing him, he sat up, getting worried, he got out of bed and ran into the bathroom, his heart was pounding and he didnt know why, felix wasnt in the bathroom, he grabbed his phone, no messages or calls.


he wasn't in the dorm, changbin felt sick.

"baby, this isnt funny, where are you?!"

he felt like he was going to throw up or pass out.

he grabbed his phone and called jisung.


"sung, wheres felix?!"

"what? i dont know!"

"fuck, i woke up and he wasnt there, i cant find him."

jisung hung up and him and minho bolted round to their room, changbin felt like he was hyperventilating, his chest was tight and he was restless.


changbin ran into the bathroom and was violently sick into the toilet, shaking and panting.

"min, call the others."

minho grabbed his phone as jisung knelt behind changbin, rubbing his back, the same way changbin had dome for felix, once he stopped, he was panting and coughing, trying to get up.

"i need to find him, wheres my baby?"

jisung ran towards minho who was on the phone to chan.

changbin started to tear up as countless scenarios ran through his head.


"sung, what if its haneul?!"

changbin felt tears slip.

"hey, dont think like that-"

"he's in littlespace, what if someone took him."

"min, get woojin, he knows how to deal with panic attacks."

minho told chan to send woojin up as changbin sat on the floor, panting and crying uncontrollably.

woojin came up calmly and sat in front of changbin, taking his hand.

the others tried to figure out what happened as woojin set up a breathing pattern to calm changbin down.

seungmin, hyunjin, jeongin and chan were out trying to find felix, changbin was panicking, woojin was calming him down, minho was on the phone to hyunjin, hoping and praying they found him, and jisung was trying to figure out where he could be.

without warning, changbin lunged at minho, trying to hit him, woojin grabbed him and pulled him back.

"it was you wasn't it?! ive seen the way you stare at felix, i swear to god minho, if it was you i will end you!"

minho got mad too.

"you really think i would do that to either of you?! im in a relationship with jisung, why the fuck would i take felix?!"

"guys calm down, please, you can't loose it, please dont fight."

changbin couldn't cope, he needed felix so badly it hurt, jisung looked at minho.

"baby, i swear, i dont stare at him like that, you know i only want you."

jisung tried to calm minho down, changbin started getting violent from stress, nobody could go near him, he grabbed his phone and walked out, leaving the dorm block and running towards block b, he walked straight into lucas' room, seeing him and jae sleeping next to each other.

they both jolted awake.

"felix is missing, where the fuck is he?!"

"what? we dont know, we will help."

they both got up and threw something on, leaving the block with changbin.

changbin didnt know whether to cry or yell or break down, he couldn't loose felix again, he was scared for what haneul would do if he got his hands on felix, he didnt even know if it was haneul.


changbin looked up, seeing people he recognised as bobby and hanbin, he ran to them, maybe they knew something.

"youre dating felix right?"

"where is he?! where?!"

"he ran into us when we were on our way to the gym this morning, he was shaken up, and crying a lot, hes in our dorm."

changbin sprinted towards block c, not even knowing which room, closely followed by the two others and jae and lucas.

"changbin, room seventy."

changbin ran up the stairs, his heart pounding out of his chest as he swung the door open, felix was sat in the middle of their bed, crying hard.


changbin ran towards him, pulling him up into his arms, feeling felix shake.

"baby, where did you go?! i was so worried, where were you?"



felix whimpered and clung to changbin.

"no, haneul wouldn't come here, too many people know who he is, it was a gang member, he would've gotten someone to get him."

"whats his name."

"lucas help me, who would he have sent?"

"uhh, kai? sehun? xiumin?"

"lets get lix home."

changbin carried felix down to the doors, felix was clinging to changbin, whining.

"whats wrong baby?"


"what do you mean prince?"

felix hid his face, changbin had an uneasy feeling, he held felix closer, biting his lip as they started walking, they were halfway across the courtyard before they heard something.

"jae! and lucas! thats felix! so that must be changbin, grab them!"

changbin spun around.

"its kai, run!" jae yelled.

and all they could do was run.


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