The note and the fur

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Lefty's POV
We had just come out of the portal. I then see Molten reading something, he looked confused.
Lefty- "hey what's the paper say?" I ask curious
Molten- "it's from Bryan, he said he came through," he stopped and looked at the clock, "about twenty minutes ago. It also says that the portal did something to him that we would have to see it to believe it."
Lefty- "so let's go and find him and ask what it did!" I said filled with enthusiasm
So we left. When we got there we started to call out for Bryan, Freddy was starting to get worried, and so was Molten. We went to the conference room to take a break from yelling to catch our breath, but when we got there we heard crying. We all seemed to know who was crying, so molten spoke.
Molten- "Bryan? Is that you?"he questioned.
???- "....y.."he said with a bit of what sounded like static in his voice, I think? That and it sounds like he's panicking a bit.
Freddy- "where are you and are you ok?"he said in a calm voice.
Bryan- "I'm in t...the  hii.i.i..d.d.den room , I...I'm cc..c..con.fu.s.s.ssed...."
When I heard where Bryan was I started to lead the way
When we go in there we still couldn't find Bryan
Lefty- " where are you, we still can't find you?!"
Bryan- " I'm right behind you guys ."

He sounded sad or scared but I don't know why but we turn around anyway, and I am in total shock.

Cliffhanger and sry for not updating, but the new corona virus a lot of things have been happening, but I will still be doing my story, hope you guys have enjoyed bye!

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