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Bryan's POV
It's been another week, a long one and we are still trying to close the portal, but it's been harder than we thought. The nightmares said that we need to find a combination code to shut it down, they think. So now we are doing dimension jumps, and I'm hoping we don't end up in Faz'Bear Frights. It was only me, Molten, Freddy, and Lefty doing this, and it's was Molten's turn to input the code for the next dimension.
Molten's POV
I was putting in the code for the next dimension, one I did not know. When I was done the portal turned all sorts of shades from white to black, when the portal was stable enough to go through, we all jumped.when we came through I realized where we were, then we saw Bryan rush off, so we all followed. We were all telling him to stop, ~oh no he doesn't know who is here. I HAVE TO STOP HIM!! Wait, how does he know his way around here already?!?~ after some time we started to look for someone, that when we heard it.
Then Bryan yelled something that Even shocked me.
Then we saw Nightmare chasing a young girl, I knew her name was Ersa and I guess Bryan did too. Then Bryan looked super mad, then William Afton came running in to trying to hit Nightmare, then Bryan yelled the loudest I've ever heard him yell.
Then everyone had froze in place, William Afton looked like he was in shock. Then nightmares eyes turned a dark orange color, and he looked around like he was confused. And than he spoke,
Nightmare- "what happened?!"
Bryan- "you lost control, AGAIN!
William Afton - "what is going on Bryan?!"
Bryan- "well for one I know the nightmares personally, and I am just going to have a friendly chat with nightmare."
Then he left.

Few minutes late

It's been a few minutes and I then see Bryan coming back,
Molten- "what did you talk about?"
Bryan- "I was just asking a few things, I told he to go back to the mindscape though so I can talk later." He said in a tired voice
William Afton - "you should get back to you park Bryan, I don't want any of you here at night."
Bryan- "he's right, we don't want to be here at night."
So we left, I may not know what Bryan meant when he said 'you lost control, AGAIN!' But it can't be good. When we got back I noticed that there was some black and purple colored fur, then I saw a note by Bryan,It said...

Cliffhanger!! Wait and find out what Bryan's note says in the next chapter, hope you enjoyed bye.

(discontinued)The unknown past and hard present Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat