25 - Happy Birthday

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POV Jack

Jamie and I had spent the day going around Arendelle. Every place was so familiar, the cafe was still there but it was old. The new thing was that right close by of King Agnarr's and Queen Iduna's statues was a statue of two sisters.

In the evening Jamie took a taxi to the castle. Some parts were still used by the royal family but half of it was set up as a museum and a venue. I sit next to Jamie, completely knowing that the driver could not see me in the back seat with Jamie. Jamie kept talking with the driver the whole way , about Arendelle's history and the mythology.

At the castle we left the car and Jamie paid for the ride. I stare at the castle, the sound of a chime ringing in my ears, I quickly shake my head and it was gone, the sound.

"C'mon Jack, try to be surprised because they think that this is still a surprise," Jamie laughs and pats my back. I nod my head and we walk through the rocky ground of the courtyard and inside the castle.

There's a butler who shows Jamie where the party hall is.

We stand behind the double doors and glance at each other.

"Happy birthday, Jack," Jamie smiles and pushes the doors open.

My eyes widen up as I see the whole place decorated with pink ribbons, easter eggs and a ton of gifts wrapped in red paper. Well, half was being switched to blue paper by Phil.

"Hurry, hurry...before that boy arrives," North cheers but Jamie clears his throat.

Now they notice us and I laugh as they yell a happy birthday for me and surprise. They rush to hug me.

All of my friends are here. Bunny, North, Sandy, Tooth and even the kids from Jamie's block. Well, they're now young adults like Jamie but...

"Happy birthday Jack," Sophie smiles and hands me a gift. I smile and mess up her hair.

"Thanks Soph," I chuckle and started to unwrap the gifts.

They had brought in some snacks and cake so we ate our full before the music starting to play. Then I danced with Soph and Tooth but after a while I took a break. I stay in the side of the dance floor, chuckling to myself as I watch everyone having fun.


It was like a whisper which caught my attention. I glance over my shoulder but see no one. Then I look around the festive hall but all I can see are my friends having fun. At least, cottontails was debating with North which is better, boomerang or sword.

I sigh and stare at my drink which I sip from. It was chocolate milk. The taste was really sweet so I place it down on nearby desk.

"Jack! Come to dance again!" Toothiana cheers as she flies to me and takes me from my hands.

"Sure," I chuckle and let her pull me after herself.

My feet rise from the air as we dance in the air. She was giggling happily and even I felt a bit better.


The voice was calling out louder, it sounded a bit like a chime. It got me distracted and I land down on the dance floor.

"Hey, everything alright?" Tooth asks when she lands next to me and brushes a feather back.

"Mm...yeah... I just need some air," I hum and feel like something is calling me.

"Oh, take your time," she says and sounds a bit worried.

I notice how she flies towards Mr. North and they are looking at me. However I head towards the sound. It made chills go up my spine. I close the door after myself and then I glare at the unseen that keeps bothering me.

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