20 - Choices?

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POV North

I'm still feeling it in my belly, that it really did cause trouble - sending that chilly boy in the past.All he does is sulk. Pulls that hood over his head and...sulks. Then he goes outside, freezes things and comes back to sulk more.

Then he makes sculptures from ice and-

sulks more.

That's the theme word for this week. Sulking.

"Phil! Bring me the dictionary!" I yell and I hear something bumping against the roof and some dust drops on my desk.

"Phil! You should wipe the dust more often and stop hitting my ceiling!" I say to him and spread my arms.

Phil makes a groan and shakes his head. He puts down the letters which he had been sorting out. Some kids start to write Santa really early. The yeti walks to the bookshelf and then brings out a book. He drops it on my desk.

"You could be a bit more gentle," I hum and raise my eyebrow.

Phil growls and spreads his arms.

"Fine, get back to work!" I mumble and roll my eyes, "yetis.."

I pull the book closer and I open it up.

"Let's see...Carnivore...Indiana Jones....mermaid....raid....Santa Clause...Oh, I am getting close. Saliva...shout...sleigh - here it is! Sulk!" I hum and get my glasses.

"Sulk as in to pout. Synonyms for sulk; brood, mope, frown, gloom, glower, gripe, grouse

, grump, lower, scowl, moon--- Wait Manny... why are you making Jack to scowl?" I hum and look out from the window.

As I thought, there was no response. I slam the book shut and get up from my chair. I stretch out my back that's getting stiffer each year. A sigh escapes from me and I narrow my eyes.

"You should hurry finding that replacer for me Manny. I want to retire -- or at least lighten up my workload. I am not getting any younger," I mumble and shake my head.

I leave from my study room and walk around the workshop. The yetis were already busy preparing for next Christmas even though it's January 1st. They should have a holiday - perhaps in next ten years.

I went to peek inside the guestroom. Earlier I had felt a strong breeze around the workshop so Frosty was probably back. And I was right.

I saw his back, he was sitting in front of the table and his staff was laying on the bed. There were some ice sculptures that were ready. He had placed them behind the window and the moon light from outside was making them shine. He was smart to do so, they would've melt otherwise when he was away and not making the room cold as winter.

"I see that you're busy again. What are you doing now," I hum and step inside.

Jack turns around, his eyes seemed a bit reddish.

"I'm still practising-," he says and then places the tiny hammer down and he picks up something, "- so I am making this huge guy."

I see a rocky looking creature. It reminds me of something.

"What's that?" I hum and rub my beard.

"A stone giant. One of the protectors of Enchanted Forest," Jack explains.

"I see," I hum and reach my hand towards it, "--may I see?"

Jack nods and places it on my palm. I walk over to the desk and place it down. Then I sculpt it a bit. I show him what I did and Jack picks it up and examines it carefully.

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