He was not faithful.

There are certain things Sarada respects about others. Certain qualities one must have to gain her respect. Faithfulness is one of them. Loyalty. Actually the two were technically the same thing. Determination an drive are other important factors.

And of course one must be willing to do anything to protect their loved ones.

If one does not have those qualities she does not deem them worthy of her respect.

"What's that? " Bulma wondered as she squinted her eyes to better see what was approaching them.

Sarada looked up from her game. Her eyes landed on whatever it was that was heading towards them. She sighed and went back to her game. It seems the bandit decided to show. She knew it. They had a car after all. He'll try to threaten them out of it. Kakarot could handle him. As a matter of fact Bulma could handle him. He just had to see and he'll be running like a scared little cat.


"So there's someone out here" Bulma mused as the object in the distance turned out to be Yamcha on a bike.

"I wonder what he wants" Kakarot leaned forward curiously while Oolong only stared out the window.

"Hello there travelers " He greeted as he hopped off his bike. Sarada eyed him coldly before returning to her game and ignoring him. She could care less.

"Who are you? "

"I am the Hyena who's citadel is this very wasteland. I go by Yamcha" he bowed dramatically.

"And I'm Puar" his little companion introduce with the familiar high pitch voice.

"Puar? " Oolong suddenly shot up in his seat to stare at the floating creature. "Ha! You're crybaby Puar. Boy I never thought I'd see you again. What a world"

"Oolong! "

"You know this pig? "

"Do I? "Puar glared at the indifferent pig. "He used to bully me back when I used to attend transformation school. He always picked on those smaller than because he's a big fat coward"

"Wow, Oolong. You really are scum" Kakarot said with a sideways glance. He was starting to dislike the pig the longer he stuck around. "Why am I not surprised"

"Shut it kid"

Yamcha chuckled. "Is that so? " he rested a hand on his sword. "I'll have to ask you to hand over all your money and capsules. If you comply no one gets hurt"

"Pathetic " Sarada sighed.

"You wont be saying that once my sword is at your throat "

"That is if you can even get close enough " Sarada glared. Her game was put aside and she sat casual now. Her feet were brought up to the dash board as she looked at the man or boy. "Who's turn is it? "

"Mine" Bulma said happily as she vualted out of the vehicle. She adjusted her shirt as she confidently faced the Bandit.

Upon seeing the girl Yamcha's eyes shot out of his socket and he started sweating Bullets. His face was red and he was practically shaking in his boots.

Without so much as a word he hopped onto his bike and drove as fast as he could, leaving Bulma to stare in confusion.

"What was that about"

"He saw a beautiful female so he ran like the pathetic coward he is"

Bulma blinked as she slipped back into the car

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now