"What the hell! "

The old man that had tried to end his life, backed away in utter fear upon seeing his broke axe. How? Was the or question. How did the axe do nothing but cause him a bit of pain? Anyone else's brain and blood would have been all over the walls. Was Oolong this strong? He was in trouble. There is no way he could stand a chance against him. But he had to try. He had a daughter to protect.

"I won't let you take my daughter! You can do whatever you want to me Oolong"

Kakarot was still rubbing his hurting head while he looked at the old man, confusing in his eyes. Who is this Oolong? He was mistaken for someone else? The old man was scared, he noted. Scared of this Oolong. Was this person the reason the entire village shut themselves in their houses? What mean guy.

"I'm not Oolong. I'm Kakarot. "

"You're not?"


The old man wasn't too convinced. Oolong was a master shape shifter. He could just be posing as a little boy.

"I'm curious to know who this Oolong is" Bulma made her presence known. She stood leaning by the door and watching the old man curiously. "That axe was intended for this Oolong. Which means he must cause you a lot of problems"

"He did say something about his daughter" Sarada divulged. "Does this Oolong plan on taking your daughter, old man? "

The old man blinked. He then looked at the little Kakarot and widened his eyes. The boy was telling the truth. He has company. He tried to kill a little boy. How did the little boy even survive?

"I'm so sorry. I to thought you were Oolong. I was just trying to protect my daughter "

Kakarot sighed and waved him off. The pain was slowly but surely fading away. He couldn't be angry. The man didn't know who he was. He thought he was someone else. He was just trying to protect his daughter. Kakarot respects that.

The situation was quickly diffused and the villagers slowly came out of their houses to see what had been taking place. They were relieved to find that Oolong had not returned. At least not yet. He would be there.

"We hardly get outsiders. What are you city folk doing here? "

"We're on a little expedition " Sarada answered lazily as she leaned against the nearest wall and peeled open a chocolate bar. She was thinking of ways to slowly torture the little pig for terrorizing the poor villagers.

"Yeah, we're collecting these balls, you see? " Bulma showed the old man one of the collected dragon balls. "Seen any? "

The man creased his brow as he took a good look at it. It's a first he's seeing or hearing of such an odd looking ball. What was it's use? Why does it have stars in it?

"No, I'm sorry to say I have never seen one of those. What an odd ball"

"I've seen it"

Sarada barely paid attention to the old woman that stepped through the crowd gathered at the door. All eyes were suddenly on her as she presented herself to Bulma.

"Is this it? " she asked as she held up the five star ball.

"Yup that's a dragon ball all right " Kakarot confirmed as he drank some tea the young girl had prepared for him as an apology. She also helped ease his pain with a warm cloth.

"This ball has been in my family for some time now. My grandmother had picked it off the ground and suddenly decided to make it a heirloom. Can you believe that? "

Interesting story the old woman had.

"Would you be willing to trade? " Bulma asked.

"What could you possibly give me that is more worth than my family heirloom"

"We can get rid of this Oolong fellow" Bulma suggested.

The old woman blinked and the villagers gasped.

"A generous offer, but don't you think such a thing is a bit too much for a high schooler to handle? "

Bulma chuckled as if she knew some inside joke.

"Nope. I can handle it. Besides I won't be the one fighting. Kakarot called dibs on the next obstacle we meet"

Kakarot immediately jumped up at the mention of his promised fight. This Oolong sounded strong. He hoped he was. If not then he was hoping for some fun. He needs to get some exercise in.

"Oh yeah! I'm ready for this"

"He's a little boy"

"A very strong little boy"

"We'll do you one better " Sarada pushed herself off the wall and smiled kindly. "We'll locate the kidnapped girls for you. That should be more than enough to earn the dragon ball the old woman has in her possesion"

"If you really believe you can do such a thing then we'll have to take you up on that offer"

"Good choice. You shall not regret it"

Kakarot was buzzing with excitement as he imagined the fight to be had. The prospect of battle was as alluring as always. He loved the feeling. The rush he got. The feeling of being unstoppable.

"Calm down Kakarot. We have thirty minutes to await the tyrant's arrival" Sarada patted his shoulder and took a seat on the floor. She occupied herself with the herbal tea she was offered by the young girl. "You got a plan? "

"I'll go out there and teach him a lesson" Kakarot said with determination.

"Not a plan, Kakarot "

"It's a goal"

Bulma shook her head beside Sarada. Of course he took the most direct option. This was Kakarot. He just wanted a thrilling fight. In all honesty she wanted to try her luck against this person as well, but Kakarot called dibs so she had to sit this one out. Maybe she could get Sarada to train with her later.

"How about you dress yourself like girl to deceive him" Sarada suggested with a deceivingly serious face.

"No way! "

"Come now, it would be good to distract him while you plan you attack" Sarada said as he hid her smile behind her cup of tea.

"I'm am not pretending to be a girl"

"Suit yourself"

Kakarot grumbled as fiddled with the hem of the skirt he found himself in. How had such a thing happened? He didn't know. All he did know was that he put up a good fight but it was not enough. Now he was in a dress, waiting on the perverted shape shifter. It sucked. Why does Sarada make him do stupid things? Because she takes amusement in it. She's weird like that. She does weird things and says weird things. Sometimes she talks in riddles that confuse him. And she has these sayings for certain situations. She very weird, but she's his sister. And while she has her own odd way of showing it she does love him.

After every impossible training session she would pull him a warm bath and make sure food goo ready for him. Whenever he trained on his own she would always join or supervise, sometimes giving him tips. Every time she hurt him with one of her experiments she would make sure all his bumps and bruises were taken care of. If he struggled with anything she would lend a hand while still making him figure things out on his own.

She was a good older sister and Kakarot loved her. Weird tendencies and all.

A weird thing about Sarada is that she tends to use sophisticated words when she's amused, pensive or planning something. These things are a daily accurance so her vocabulary is advanced.

The ground beneath his feet shook and he snapped out of his thoughts. Kakarot looked up to see some kind if hideous pig demon. He looked strong in build but his ki was very low.

He sighed.

"Tough luck "

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now