~~~ Cold Hard Truth ~~~

Start from the beginning

"How did we not sense them?" L's mum muttered, kicking herself as she placed her back to her husband's.

"We were distracted. Don't worry, we won't make that mistake again."

"No, because you won't get the chance," the Demon sitting in the booth declared in a smug voice.

It moved to stand up and lowered its hood, a red face and black beady eyes glared at them with a look of triumph. The music suddenly died and the rest of the pub broke away, running for the door without bothering to grab their coats. Surprisingly the Demons let them go, their only goal seemed to be making sure they detained L's parents.

"Frallica would like a word before she kills you, it's taken her so long to get to this point."

"I'd say we're sorry to disappoint Frallica, but we're not, she won't be getting her grubby hands on us anytime soon." L's mum retorted, and before the Demon could utter its response they flew into action.

L watched her parents jump, attack and deflect their way around the pub. They were like two sides of the same sword, using each others abilities to get results and soon the Demons were dropping like flies. L was struck with the awe of their prowess, they didn't waver and barely received a blow in return. Moments later there were only three Demons left, including the smug, beady eyed one, and all three were panting. 

L's parents stood side by side, both were grinning casually and L's dad twirled the axe in his hand.

"You should have brought more reinforcements, did you think you could take us so easily?"

The smug Demon snarled, not so smug anymore, "We're not done yet."

And without warning it lunged for them, the other Demons followed and the fighting resumed. L watched in fascination as her parents cut through the Demons, her dad received a nick to his face and her mum was hit in the side by an elongated limb, but that was the extent of the injuries. Soon they were standing over the last Demon, sword and claws at its throat.

"My wife warned you to leave and you did not listen. Your kind continue to pursue us and keep getting killed, I would think you'd have learned your lesson by now."

"You'll get yours one day, Keeper," the Demon spat.

L's mum slashed at its throat, severing its head and reducing it to a pile of black ash.

"Apparently not," L's mum rolled her eyes.

They both did a sweep of the pub, looking for signs of anymore Demons. Satisfied there weren't any, they sat back down in their booths and stared around at the piles of ash and goo.

"We need to be more careful, we're letting our guard down too much."

L's dad nodded, "We'll do better, but let's get out of here before someone comes to investigate."

"What about the stories? The Giant?"

"I think I can help with that," a voice came from the doorway- an unexpected, familiar voice.

L's parents didn't appear to think so, they were armed and ready in turning to face the stranger. He pulled his hood down quickly and held up his hands, L's eyes grew wide and she heard Robbie gasp. Standing in front of L's parents was a snow covered Sully, looking exactly as he did today, with a slight smirk to his expression.

"Woah there, I'm not a Demon, nor a threat to the pair of ye. I'm here, because we heard word you're looking for a Frost Giant."

L's parents didn't relax at his words, they eyed him suspiciously.

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