Chapter Thirteen II

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"Are you sure you are okay? Sagir asked for the third time that night.

Khadijah stiffened in her seat but didn't turn," yes"

The flat way she said the word was indication enough that she didn't want to talk. Fine, he wasn't going to push, he didn't particularly want to discuss detailly with her about the recent threat, his investigation about zeezees culprit. She wouldn't understand much anyway. Soldiers terminologies.

Sagir reached for the keys and pulled them out of the ignition. "come, let's go inside and I ll show you around".

Getting out of the Car, he came around and opened her door. This was a new side of Ya Sagir she never thought he  was capable of.... Captain Sagir opening car door for her?she would never have imagined this even in her wildest dreams... Perhaps he was not as bad as she thought.

She stepped out of the Car clutching her bag, it wasn't raining like it had been at the headquarters earlier when Sagirs driver dropped her off at their headquarters. But the air was pretty frigid.

Sagir could see how her Abaya is a bit soaked from the rain and how it clung to her body, one long inky strand of hair was stuck wetly on her cheeks and even though it didn't appear to bother her she must be starting to feel the chill at least.

She was very small, very slender as if the wound could blow her away.

A weird protectiveness shifted in Sagirs chest, which was pretty damn annoying since feeling protective over  vulnerable looking women wasn't something he needed right now, but Khadijah was his wife, his responsibility and apart from anything else, he had some shit to tell her which she was not going to be pleased about , she was targeted and in this mess because of him after all.

She needed to get inside, pray and eat... Get a little settled first, he had no idea how she was going to react, but sometimes things were easier when you had food in your system.

"Khad"__he pitched, his voice low__the weather is too shitty to be standing around here on the side walk.,we need to get inside." glancing down the street he did a reflexive perimeter check to be on the safe side, luckily it seemed clear.

She blinked, her jaw taking a determined slant once more" ohh sure"

Sagir headed up the steps and opened the door to the apartment, and unlocked it, the security in this apartment was pretty good but he obviously was going to have to upgrade it now that Khadijah is here.

The recent letter he received had been very clear, the danger to her was real and imminent, and what ever Sagirs feelings were about having her in his care always, there was a threat and he has to take it seriously.... She was in the mess because of him after all.

And in this instance, he took it very seriously indeed. Her safety matters.

Sagir gestured for her to go inside, but she remained on the threshold looking up at him, an intense expression burning up in her dark eyes
"I am not staying long in Lagos Ya Sagir"

Great! He really did not want to have that discussion right now, he'd wanted her here in Lagos because kano was no longer safe for her, not that Lagos was any less safe but at least, Lagos had him... Lagos had his trusted team.

"go sit in the living room" he ordered gesturing to the door way on the left.. Irritation at whoever was threatening him and his family evident in his voice. " I need to talk to you about something" since she wouldn't get settled first... He figured telling her immediately will be easier, she was that eager.

Khadijah bristled, her finely drawn black brows drawn together "you've got to watch your tone, I am not a damn dog"

Captain Sagir was used to taking control of a situation__he was a soldier after all, and he was used to giving out orders and commanding his own team. He was also used to being obeyed without question, and that definitely not included being talked back to.

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