Chapter Four

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By the time we arrived at moddibo's Mansion,it was already 10pm..
and I didn't even pray salatul Ishaa.

I couldn't be happier to leave his car,the aura near him was just gloomy and thick,so very intoxicating..there was an awkward silence,one that is silenter than silence itself.

"We have to show Modibbo that we are getting along and you have to act the part" his voice stopped me from opening the door.
I couldn't believe my ears,I had to turn around,I stared deep into his captivating hazel eyes..he stared back,and then suddenly it was as though we were in a staring contest.

"Why"I managed to utter,even though my voice was barely a whisper..I hated how timid my voice sounded.

" because I believe that's the best thing to do, look I am just helping "he winked and smirked.

The hell???

"But I didn't ask for your help Captain Sagir"

I was beyond irated,how dare he?how dare he thinks he's trying to help me get married to him?

" ohh but you need it and you will definitely need more of it in the future, so I highly recommend that you learn how to get hold of that smart mouth of yours,"
he said it very calmly,as though he was telling me something sweet."

I possess a very strong character and I retaliate whenever I get the opportunity then
why the heck was I being exceptionally emotional and temparemental whenever it comes to dealing with this man.our first meeting was not any different, I made blunders and for the life of me couldn't find the courage and confidence to talk straight,itz as though the khadijah In me is missing, and is been replaced with someone feeble and powerless,i was known to be the tough,and resilient type of a girl..this man can bring the worst in a person, but there was no freaking way I was going to let him see my tears.I opted for the best option, which was to stay mute,I knew my voice was on the verge of breaking and will give me away.

I fumbled and opened the door,and without a word,sauntered directly to Moddibo's Living had only been a few weeks since I last visited him,but almost everything had changed in my eyes.
Almost everything had been renovated,and all because of this damn wedding.this old geezer seems over-exicited about this marriage.I noticed there were more cars in the parking lot,perhaps there are visitors.

Although I hated being in a throng and preferred my company alone, i sincerely loved spending time with my Aunties and uncles.

being a part of the illustrious,renown and over extended family of General Muhammad Modibbo doesn't grant me the chance of being alone.I had to mingle with family everynow and then,I had to smile(whether fake or genuine) and converse with relatives, I had to keep up appearance.

My grandfather has only one wife,"Daada Danejo'.but Allah the most high and magnificent had blessed them with twelve children.

Bappa Abdul-jabbar(Abba)and also Sagirs father being the first child, has two wives and over 10 children.his immediate sisters being twins,my Aunties,Goggo Hibbatullah and Amatullah,then My father Abdul-Hakeem being the third born(and fourth child because of the twins)__then followed by another set of twins,Bappa Abdul-basid and Bappa Abdul-Sabur,another set of triplets followed.and then Bappa Abdulwahab followed.

Bappah Abdulwahab was my favourite uncle after Abba, then lastly another set of twins followed,Anty Salma and Anty khadijah.both are happily married with kids in their respective homes.

My Grandfather, popularly known as ,General Modibbo was a retired Nigerian ArmyGeneral , but unfortunately to his daunt none among his male children wanted to join his profession.each of them pursued different careers. And Alhamdulillah, all of them were exclusively successful and prosperous in their various fields.

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