Chapter Eight

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Not Edited !!!

Alhamdulillah,finally finally....there it was !my Home,my Reality,my peace.After Malam Alee left,I took in a deep breath as I looked at the door
in front of me .Honestly it felt as though a great weight had been lifted off my shoulder .
The familiar Aroma of girfa Shayi engulfed the atmosphere must have been 'Mama Zulai'(house help)making her everyday drink .

"Salaam Alaykum"
I said my voice barely audible..I was about to knock when I noticed the living room door was left ajar.
Walking down the hall way i saw Mama Zulai mopping the dining area...this old woman never acted like she was ever tired or weak or depressed in any way.i loved her like my own blood..she had been our housemaid for the past nine years or so ...she always has been so kind to me,umma,and my brother bash .Mama Zulai or "Mama Brazil"as we fondly call her because of how busty she is could sadly never have children of her own but I know she considered i and bash like hers.she treated us like hers...and a lot of the times I find myself discussing confidential matters with her than Umma.

Since now isn't the time for jokes...I honestly have lost my sense of humor the past few weeks...well since a certain someone was introduced into my life__instead of calling her by the nick we fondly gave her_i resolved to calling her by her actual name.

"Mama Zulai "I called out to her causing her to turn around..

Why isn't she at modibbos...?I honestly thought I would meet an empty I would be able to finally cry my heart out...without anyone sympathizing with me ....I don't need anyone to pity me.

Mama Zulai dove in to give me a very tight hug..with a big smile on her face she rubbed my back whispering soothing words..

"Shsh it ll be alright ,don't worry,".

I only nodded..I didn't trust my voice.untangling my arms from her grasp...not in a rude way.
"I need to sleep "she nodded in understanding.i sauntered towards my room.ohh how I ll miss this room.
Since I was granted only a few hours to gather myself together before "Sword Crossing Event "later in the evening.i decided to use the time to sleep.activating my phone to silent mode.i searched for the paper Zee-Zee handed me before I left with Malam Alee.i glanced down at the piece of paper and in it was written

"Regardless of how much a person owns
They will never attain happiness and true
Peace of mind until they are content with
               What Allah has decreed upon them "
I sighed and chortled heartily__zee-Zee kenan.

I was still wearing my Atampa A-gown from yesterday,I decided to take a soothing bath before sleeping.the drugs I took were starting to get their effects on me.sauntering towards my bathroom I climbed under the shower and turned on the water .the cold water helped to untie the knots in my back .i took my shampoo and lathered my hair and washed it away quickly .i felt refreshed after this .i wrapped a large towel and got out .i opened my wardrobe and took out my pajamas.after putting on my clothes I collapsed in my bed.

Way to go deejah...what kind of bride goes AWOL on her yini day .spends the second wedding day subconscious mocked.well what ever, i am not the typical normal bride.i hated being in a throng so this was my only escape.


I don't know when I woke up,but I did and felt well rested,I dug under the pillow to find my phone.
"Innalillahi I whispered loudly,it was already past 4pm...yaa rabb!i missed zuhr on time and it was already ASR time.there were many messages and missed calls which I didn't bother to check.the event was supposed to begin from 4pm...I laughed at my lack of interest and seriousness in the wedding.

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