Chapter Three

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Not Edited.!

I mustered up all of my courage and greeted him..

"Good Evening Ya Sagir I wasn't aware that Modibbo was going to send you.sorry for keeping you waiting.."

He just nodded,then looked down his at his stainless strap Rolex wrist watch.he stood up gently and shook Bashir's hands,said Salam to Ummah,and just like that headed for the door,without even glancing at my direction.

I said Salam to Ummah..bashirs attention was completely on TV,I had to tap him on the shoulders.

Its funny how someone can think of him as my younger brother, at 6ft'2inches,he was unbelievably tall for his age,he has beard,he looked more like a guy in his late twenties and not the teenager he was..

"Extend my best regards to everybody there,I'll be there as early as possible tomorrow, in shaa Allah..just Go Adda,you are keeping him waiting again," bash rambled absently as his eyes were glued to the tennis match he was watching ..

I bid Ummah a goodnight once more .
I headed outside to where he parked his car.
And there he stood,looking all striking, in his traditional attire,(Muhammad Abatcha style)I noticed he was talking animatedly over the phone, perhaps with his boss or  oh probably his girl.

"........colonel Hassan karaye and major Bello Gaya are the sector Commanders in that camp,
......yes sir,......lieutenant Kamal is under my supervision, as of the next few weeks,....

I overheard his conversation with the person he was talking to on the phone

I should've known better, it was always work, and then work with this man..

I fumbled to open the passenger door,I tried using some force..
I wasn't aware it was locked!!...

What's wrong with this door?

" that's quite a view..did the car said something wrong"?he said clearly amused,by the way I was fumbling to get the door open.

Great!!just great!now I look like a fool

I tried hard to conceal my embarssment, but it was hard

"Let me"
he said in his husky voice,the amusement in his voice never fading,
I stepped aside as he open the door gently with ease,just in time his phone started to ring and he stepped back ,I guess he was not done with his call..

Entering the car,I tried to be as calm as possible as sophisticated as I could.I kept my overnight bag on the back seat and made myself comfortable in the car,as I wait for him to finish his call..

By the time Sagir decided to finish his call,it was already past 9pm and I was exasperated beyond measure, he was probably doing it on purpose to get me riled up.

He opened the door,fastened  his seat belt,and in no time started the engine,without glancing at my direction..

Great,he wasn't going to apologize,

" I don't appreciate waiting for people, Ya-Sagir,you could have just told Modibbo you didn't want to come,i know you came against your will" I  rambled before I loose my confidence.

He looked abit taken aback by what I said,a look of astonishment passed his eyes for a split second but he quickly concealed it,plastering his blank,emotionless look back.

"Let's get Something straight khadijah,I don't appreciate people talking back at me,and quite frankly you are crossing your limit with me and my patience with you,so from now on you will do as I say_understood??

Ohh my Allah!! damn you Captain Sagir,damn your arrogance..

It was now my time to look astonished,I was suddenly taken aback at the manner in which he spoke to me.

this man,ohh God this situations were starting to screw with me and my sanity,for  a moment I thought of getting out of the car,hail a Keke napep outside and just leave on my own but I decided against it,I wasn't ready to give any explanation when Moddibo asked as to why I came with a taxi,when clearly he forced Sagir to come and pick me,I wasn't ready to answer his endless questions which apparently I didn't have their answers.

Oh Sergeant Ali where are you when I needed you must..if not for this self-centered fiancé of mine,you would've drove me peace fully without a word..

Don't let this slide!!you are a strong woman,he doesn't have the right to treat you like subconscious admonished.

I hated this feeling, I hated feeling weak and man has the right to keep me waiting in his car no matter how gorgeouse he was,his unapologetic expression was the worst of it all...

How dare he?

"Let's get something straight Captain Sagir,I don't appreciate Men treating women like they are nothing ,and I most definitely will not take any of it from you,I am a woman with a lot of decorum,and courteousness, I value my time as much as you do,I apologized earlier for unwittingly keeping you waiting.but you didn't seem to appreciate"

There!!I said it feeling extraordinarily brave..

If my words had any effect on him,he didn't show a slightest hint one bit..he just shrugged and masked his infamous cold and emotionless expression..

From the talk I was opportune to have earlier on with Ummah,I was informed on alot of things about my father..

When I asked Ummah why Abba,Modibbo and the rest of my uncles are persistent on getting me married to Ya-Sagir,when he obviously  has zero interest in me?she reluctantly said it was my fathers  wish.
Sagir was his favorite Nephew and he loved him immensely, he felt by so doing,his family will never be out of the picture in the family as it was only two of us(myself and bashir)

At the though of my late father, I instantly felt tears gather in my eyes,and I pathetically blink them back!!

There was no way I am going to let him see my tears__no freaking way in the world,I promised my self not to show any vulnerability in his shaa Allah I will never let this man witness my weakness__I would Not and will Never grant him that gratification.

I am strong,yes very strong
I am a determined lady!!yes very determined...
An unyielding woman...

I tried to mentally convince my self..I can handle him and his enigmatic ways...

I inhaled a sharp breath,as he gently and quietly started driving the car towards the gate without a word.
I saw Ummah from the corner of my eye standing outside the living room,perhaps she wanted to check,as to why we haven't left yet, it was almost an hour since we came out.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and took another sharp breath, God,this was the longest day in the entire twenty-one years of my life.

Aha,here comes the 3rd chapter, pls let me know what you think of the story so far..
Also,if you want a chapter from Captain Sagir's POV VOTE!!

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