Adventurers' intention( part 2)

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The sight of a little girl was mythical as her remaining bandages on her shoulders and other limbs floated beautifully like a goddess, her silver hair glisten under the pale moonlight. She was nothing look like any person they ever saw except her gentle smile like a mother when she just a little girl nothing more than a teenager. 

Hearing she questioning their presence bring out the leader of the party as he step out and kneel down before her, Selena can see his soul was bright yellow mix with red like torchlight on the night, she could feel the sincerity warmness from this man that she decide to loose up her defence. 

"I apologized if we disturbing your night young lady, my name Dylan Osbor, the leader of this group. " He respectfully introduces himself. "Today when we the adventurer had finally finish our noble quest, we had no choice to flee into this forest due to Dire Wolf ambush attack. "

There is no deception gleam in his soul, Selena stare through his face and Dylan could feel her gaze staring through his soul. However, Selena smile softly and look at the remaining party silently, every of the new souls color amazes her each time. 

" Dylan Osbor, as you can see, I'm blind, but can you tell me all of your friends name?"  Selena said. She interested to know all of this kind of people she will be having to meet. "Oh, and how do they look like too. " 

Dylan look upward to her with widen eyes, usually in this situation, the first thing you supposed to ask is that to know what do they want, but instead, this little girl wanted to know them like meeting a new friend. Maybe because she is living alone in this forest is the reason she want to breaking ice with them, or maybe another unknown reason. 

"Yes! yes! I want to go first!" The Siren jump in eager to introduce herself first, "Hello! My name is Dianalivea Forschea Gruv, but you can call me Diana!"

"She is rare Sirens race with ability to walk on earth and she has deep blue ocean wavy hair and pair of yellow eyes. She is the tallest than any lady around here, if I may have to say so. " Dylan decide to describe for the young one. 

"Oh my, I'm not that tall okay?" Diana find his joke a little bit to much that she ended up pouting with her fin like ears flapping agrily. "But anyway, can I hear you singing again? Its beautiful song I ever heard since I left the ocean."

"Oi, cut the slack would ya, it's my turn, Yo, little one--I mean, O the great one, I am Tia Vivium Tir Og, call me Tia. I'm just a normal wood elf, if you want to hear me humbly call myself like that."

"It's still sound rude to me though, " Dylan murmured. " She have same height as my shoulder and have a golden platinum hair in ponytail, pointy ears and a ranger in our party."

Selena again gaze through duo's souls, one was glowing like a gentle in the deep deep sea ocean and another like dawn-lit in the dark forest, like a firefly honestly. She secretly laughed at both of partner argue like children when she can clearly see that both of them are bond like an old friend. She may envy them a bit.

" Umm, hi. my name is Betty and this is my brother Bern, it's pleasure to meet you." A voice of young one that seem have social awkwardness.

" They are the twin, both of them has black hair and they are mage in our group." Dylan was about to continue to describe it further 

"One of you seem uncomfortable, are you alright dearie?" Selena notice one of the soul from the twin seem tremble in fear like a shaking flame of the candle that was about to put out. Just before Selena decide to reach them out, the soul that trembling like a candle suddenly burst out with the hatred intent, like a warning sign of not trying to approach them carelessly. 

In another world, I was called as, Bandage Witch.Where stories live. Discover now