A new Dragon's Mama

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Certainly doing nothing but only rest is bored Tsukina or perhaps Selena to death, fortunately, she didn't feel like that whenever Deity of All-Eyes-Know together with Myrtle the Green Witch always beside her to tend her health.  While taking care of a single sick bed child, they make sure to teach Selena anything regarding about her own world that she currently lives.

Whether it was a common sense that she should know or probably any important issues that have been happening around the world.

"Can't you believe both kingdoms nearly destroy each other just for a mere woman? I mean, what did those idiot princes see in her anyway!?" Myrtle the Green Witch tighten the new bandage too hard that Selena accidentally yelp in pain.

"Opps, sorry little spice, my mood wasn't that good recently, I hope you forgive my blunder." Myrtle awkwardly smiles even though she knows the child cannot see it. Selena only nod while touching the skin of her arm and then back to her head, she can feel her hair slowly grow which made her a little happy a bit. It was already a year since then, thanks to Myrtle good hands in medical skill, a girl who once looked like a burning mummy are now upgrading into a normal mummy instead. (Still a mummy, huh? ) 

"It's good your hair finally decide to grow out, huh? I can't imagine if I see a woman stay bald forever." Myrtle chuckle as she ruffles Selena an inch growth hair and notices. "But my, are your hair are originally silver, little spice?"

She only tilts in confuse. Is she? Well, she was not sure since did not take a chance look upon her new body during a chaotic situation. However in her previous life, she has dark brown hair, does getting a silver hair is a weird thing? She hopes to ask but it will be pretty hard since it has been long she does not train to speak, so her speech came out really in whisper-like whenever she tries to ask something.

But before she was able to ask anything, Myrtle cut off by starting study lesson as she pulls out the scroll and begun reading it out loud. 

"Okay, yesterday you already learn the history of Kingdom between humanity and many other creatures, philosophy ancient rune, arithemathic...huh, I'm surprised you understand the most complex subject. Even if it was a person with a strong passion are not this...unexpected." Myrtle looks weirdly at a little bandage child before sorting some thick leather book from her personal dimensional space and put it beside the child. "Here, a lot of books for you again." 

Now, this is a part where all of you were wondering how can she read despite being a blind person? Selena smiles as she reaches out the books next to her and then take a necklace to wear it delicately around her neck. The necklace consists of five feathers that decorate nicely, each feather has the same pattern as a human iris, staring deeply at anything that met with it, literally though. The necklace was kindly given by Deity of All-Eye-Know, cannot bear seeing a child was so depress more than anything she ever felt, she plucks different color of her own feathers and asks her only best friend help to create a simple necklace with her feather given. 

In her point of view, Deity of All-Eye-Know, self, is considered a priceless treasure that was known among human society, but to give the majestic creature little parts such as a beautiful feather to a mere child is really ridiculous! Myrtle, however, cannot argue because the majestic creature was an important friend she mustn't try to disappoint for. 

"I'm...glad...she..gave...me...this.."Selena said slowly so she does not stumble her own word. The necklace helping her getting her own vision.

"You sure happy even though you only can see life energy..." Myrtle said. Despite she has a sight the moment she wears the necklace, she cannot see image unless there was mana create from life energy.  Selena glances the witch in front of her and only see bright green aurora light gleaming in orb shape, it as if that orb floating in darkness.

In another world, I was called as, Bandage Witch.Where stories live. Discover now