Adventurers' intention (part1 )

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"Leader! What should we do!?" A person in a leather pelt coat had his spear toward a monster direction. The monster bares its fangs at the party of the adventurer who came for to return after accomplish the noble quest. But to only ambushed by a group of hungry Dire Wolf.

"Tch, it can't be helped! Oi, you elf-girl! Do you think this we can safely hide in this forest?"

"Shut up! I have a name, you foolish human! This is Lost Forest you know!? Why are you taking suicide path!!?" A woman elf in green as forest attire pulled another arrow and shot the nearest target. The target yelp in pain, but it will only bring a dozen of them more.

"Damn! these Dire wolves keep increasing sire!" A man with a thick beard but one among the shortest people, swing his humongous ax at the same whacking the gigantic hammer toward the wolves that come to pounce in every direction.

While everybody was busy fighting against the wave of dire wolves attack there are three people in the party stood behind fighters with every each of them hold the duty.

"Saint-sama, " A girl with wavy blue as deep-sea hair glance at the handsome blonde next to her. She has yellow piercing eyes together with spiky fin ears, it had been twitching since they were cornered between dire wolves and frightful rumored of The Lost Forest entrance.

"I think we can enter the forest."


"Hey, Diana!" An elf adventure called out her team as all of them finally decide to flee into the eerie foggy forest. "Are you really sure it safe to enter?"

Their legs did not stop as they continue getting into the forest deeper and deeper, bringing uneasiness to their team. However, Diana, the deep-sea blue hair maiden already assure and replied to her anxious party.

"I am very sure Tia!" 

"How! Explain to me! My clan often told me this forest has many rumors that it is a place of death where there is a guardian who will wipe out anyone who enters its area!" An elf name Tia yelled with a voice disturbed by her panting. "Tell me, how can a Siren like you who lived in the ocean very sure it was safe?"

"Oh come on, Tia!" she scolds her elf friend as she snaps due to exhaustion. "Explaining while running is really tiring!!"

"That's right Tia, we will continue the conversation after this. For now, we need to be as far as possible from those wolves and erase our scent." The leader of the party which looks nearly thirty with brown hair tied messily, " Has the spell done Bern?" 

Bern the magician in green dull color cloak pull out his staff and then began chanting while drawing out magic circle in the air.  The magician nodded as the sign while chanting with his raspy voice, the magical aura seeped out from his staff like a smoke dancing in the air and begun wrapping around his teammates' figure. The color of the smoke embraces them same as the foggy forest around them, slowly blending the adventurer party and erase their presence completely as the dire wolves came through and passing them by without noticing they were already missed it. 

After for a while as they were waiting the sound of trampling feet from wolves begin to fade away, the leader one sigh in relieved and ask the maiden with purple long silky hair together blonde saint to help anyone apart from his party with their injury.

"Thanks Vern." Tia long elf ears twitch happily as she doesn't feel pain on her wrist and leg anymore. She smiled gratefully at the blonde saint with blue eyes, Vern. 

In another world, I was called as, Bandage Witch.Where stories live. Discover now