Deity of All-Eyes-Know

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Somewhere in the wood where all trees look like giant covering the whole landscape of the area. The smokes of mist running through the branches, making it hard even flight creature to see the underneath view. Well, except only enormous bird with strange mask plaster in it flat face but an exposed its beak. The feathers on the bird are so abnormally colorful that you cannot determine which one actual mainly color cover overall of this beautiful creature itself. But if you look closely, each feather have eyes pattern with different color, looking as if they were staring through your soul.

Looking downward to see a tree that was the most gigantic one of all, there was a nest that was sitting on top of dead trunk, the magnificent creature decide to land down as it flapped its wing gently toward the nest, hopefully did not disturb a single frail creature that was now sleeping inside mountain off its soft feathers.

The frail creature moves a little bit with a slight groan of pain, the body of the creature is entirely wrapped neatly with the bandage, bleeding each time the movement was made. From slit of the mask that bird was wearing, its head lean and hovering over to see the creature having hard to breath as if gasping for air.

"Are you awake, dear child?" the voice was raspy but clear to be heard. The bird only staring quietly at the figure, the bird did not think this creature...human creature can be this fragile. The majestic bird remember when the last time she pick this child from, she (let's assume 'it' was 'she' instead) can see a village together with inhabitant were gathering at one place which it was at the center of the village, screaming and cheering at a girl who was helplessly tied on the pole, surrounded by many and many wooden splinters as one of the elder start throwing a single torches.

With that, the flame roar and engulf together with the girl that was unable to move at the same spot, people were cheering while the girl was screaming in agony together with pleading. But no one care, no one eager to save her from turning into more than a mere of burning flesh. Her voice that filled with dreadfulness is like music to their ears as they cheer to burn her more.

"The witch has been killed!"

"Damn the witch to the hell, purify it from the heaven!"

"She's still alive dear people! Add more haystack!"

They all cheer with excitement plaster on their face, finding anything to burn just to keep fire alive, gluttoning the little girl to ashes. The majestic creature stares at the occasion with sadness as she sees the little girl whole body already turn into smoky burn flesh, her face together with hair are also burned away, leaving the ugliness of corrupted facial that almost showing the white skeletal one.

With her eyes from the mask possess an ability to appraisal on anything, she stares deeply into a girl and to see a flame of soul that was bright as gleaming moon together with an unknown type of aura surrounding her, the bird was sure she does have potent of mana but the color of her soul is so bright that it was impossible to judge her as a witch. So she decides to stare more with complicated expression, the subject she has been observed suddenly jerk as the little girl head turning directly at her(majestic bird) direction making the bird abruptly flapped her wings with a squawk, surprised to be discovered.

The girl painfully speaks few words with her eyes open wide.

" decide to watch too?"

Stunt as the beak hang open in disbelief and if she was a human right now, there might be a lot of sweat are dripping on the forehead. But it terrifies the bird more when suddenly she senses a powerful presence that could turn the world into an upside down. The mask bird look up to see an eye with long beautiful eyelashes covering the whole sky, blinking directly on the same little girl. No one can see it except the majestic bird itself.

In another world, I was called as, Bandage Witch.Where stories live. Discover now