Clint Barton x Stella Stark

Start from the beginning

I spat at him and turned on my heels to walk out of the training hall back to my room.

After I arrived at my room I took a hot shower and changed into some clean clothes.
I laid down on my King size and took my phone from my night stand to see a message from my older brother tony.

Come to the conference room now!

I rolled my eyes and walked to the conference room where I already saw my brother, Cap, Natasha and Clint.
I entered the room with an annoyed look on my face.

„What's up Tony?"

„Your going on a mission to Russia Stella, Hydra has a hiding spot there and you'll have to eliminate two specific people they plan on building a nuclear bomb so get the plans and kill them their names are Vadim Bykov he's the one who created the plan in first place and his assistant Dominika Ivanov"

„Okay got it am i assigned to the mission alone or is someone joining me?"

„Yes Clint will be joining you"

„Tony no I'm not going to do the mission with this ass"

„You will Stella this is an order"

„Tony" I tried to protest


He shouted at me and I kept quiet knowing if I argue more with him that it would end badly.

"Okay got it when do I have to be ready?"

"Be ready in 1 hour"

I nodded and made my way back to my room where my best friend Wanda was already waiting for me.

"You heard it already huh?"

"Yeah I did, how do you feel?"

"How am I supposed to feel, I'm angry and frustrated but also kinda scared to be honest"

"Why scared?"

"Because I haven't talked to Clint again after we started to be enemies, I always avoided him by just leaving or talking to someone else but I can't do that when we are on the mission so I'll have to confront him and talk about it"

I explained to her while packing my suitcase, she nodded understandingly and put her hand and my shoulder.

"You got this I believe in you Stella"

"Thank you so much Wanda I would be lost without you"

I hugged her tightly and we made our way to the Quinjet where my brother and Clint were already waiting.

We said our goodbyes and the last thing tony said to me was "please don't kill each other"

I entered the Jet and sat down at the other end as far away from Clint that I could.

"Stella I'm not happy about this whole thing either okay but let's just try to make the best out of this situation okay"

He moved closer to me and laid his hand on my shoulder.

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