Summer: Chapter 37

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Chapter Thirty-seven

That night, as the house settled down and the living room still held the aftermaths of blue and yellow decorations, Bell came to visit me.

“Oh, Min, I’m sorry,” She said as She appeared next to me, causing me to jump out of my skin. “I heard what happened with Silas and Nick.”

“You did?” I asked when my breath returned to me.

“Logic finally determined the reason your soul had been burned,” She explained. “And as soon as I knew, I tracked down Nick. He told Me everything.”

“What did he tell You?”

“All about the seduction and how Silas found the two of you,” She said. “He feels really bad about that.”

“I don’t care,” I said. “I don’t give a rat’s ass how he feels. He purposefully ruined my relationship with Silas.”

“Yes, he did,” She admitted, “but he did it for love. You can’t fault him for that.”

I sighed. Why was everyone so right about everything? “I know. I did that myself so long ago. But that doesn’t make me feel any better.”

“I suppose it won’t,” She agreed.

“Just tell me about my burnt soul,” I said, not wanting to talk about Nick.

She seemed to understand. “Logic determined that the burnt edge of you soul was caused from Nick trying to separate your barrier.”

“The barrier,” I mused, sitting in my reading chair. “I’ve never heard of it before. What is that?”

“I’m not sure. Logic seemed to think that it is the cause of your melding. He says that when you became permanently affixed to Silas through your love, his love inside you protected you from harm. That’s all I really understood. And that was why the barrier was strongest when the two of you were together. Logic said that He had only seen that happen once – He has the soul to prove it – because when a true Essence melds with a human, there is no lifeline from the Essence to connect with the human. You have a lifeline, and in sharing your love essence with Silas, you also shared a lifeline.”

“But I don’t have a lifeline. I’m immortal, remember?”

Bell thought about that for a moment. “That’s what confused Me as well. Logic insisted His findings were accurate. Maybe Silas gave you part of his lifeline…I’m not sure.”

“If that were the case, I’d be mortal, right?” That frightened me, and overjoyed me at the same time.

“Again, I don’t know. I can have Logic speak to you, if you wish. Maybe you can understand it better.”

I waved the idea away. “Not right now. It might be best to just forget all this happened. I still have to make amends with Silas.”

“That’s another thing I wanted to see you about. I checked on him…” She looked away, folding into Her thoughts. I waited, but She didn’t add anything else.

“Is he okay?” I asked hesitantly. This seemed like another invasion of privacy. I should swallow my pride and fear and go see him myself.

“He’s fine,” She said. “And then he’s not. I don’t know what’s going to happen between you two. He loves you, but he’s in a lot of pain right now, and  has no way of dealing with it. This is all new to him…and then it’s not.” She laughed. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not being very clear. I don’t understand much of it Myself.”

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now