Summer: Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

I had the whole day planned in my head. Barbeque until around three, then the rest of the day with Silas, cuddling on the couch. Well, I got what I planned; only my fantasy did not involve a cold, wet rag pressed to my temples and a bottle of aspirin on the table next to me. Silas wouldn’t let me talk about it, although he was itching to know.

Sylvia came downstairs with Nicole. “Hey, you’re back. I was just telling Nicole about – Oh my God! What happened?” She saw my pallid face and rushed over.

“She wasn’t feeling well,” Silas explained, half-heartedly. He rubbed his hands together and gave me a stern, keep-quiet-you-shouldn’t-talk-you-look-awful gaze. Talking will not kill me, I thought, but obeyed anyway.

“Oh, dear,” Sylvia fussed. She was a fusser. “Then I don’t suppose you would mind if I steal Nicole away for a while, while you rest. I was telling her about this new store that opened up – Gino’s, in the old Mimi’s Antiques place? You know her husband died last month, and she has been talking about moving to Florida for years now. I guess she can finally do that, with the insurance money and the sale of the storefront, and all – and we thought we would check it out together. Is that alright? I’ll have her home before dinner, I promise.”

Fat chance, I laughed as Sylvia rambled. She was a fusser and a rambler. It was a wonder that Nicole liked her so much. They had so little in common. And I would believe Sylvia’s timing when I saw it. Mimi’s Antiques had been a rather large store, and I had already heard about Gino’s. It was a consignment store – Sylvia’s favorite. They will be there all afternoon.

“No, I don’t mind,” I spoke up, ignoring Silas’ frown. “Take your time, but a reasonable hour will be nice.”

“Oh, sure, Min. Can I bring you something? Chocolate-mint fudge always makes me feel better – Ooo, or some of that blackberry cheesecake from the Popula Diner. I know how much you adore cheesecake. Oh! Or some honeysuckle bubble bath. I really love that stuff – oh, but I forgot. You only have a shower. Then how about – “

“I’m fine, Sylvia. Have fun.” I stopped her with a hand on her arm. Silas was chuckling to himself.

“Okay, then. We’ll call if we’re too late,” she called as she scooted Nicole out the door. Nicole didn’t even have a trace of fright as she followed. I would have been terrified to spend an afternoon shopping with Sylvia, and I loved to shop. But then again, Nicole had a good ounce or two of bravery. More than I could ever claim to have.

“Now that you feel well enough to talk again, you want to explain what happened?” Silas pulled me into him. I rested my head against his shoulder.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know what happened? Or you don’t know if you want to tell me?”

“A little of both, actually.”

“Mmm. How about you tell me what you were doing to Nick, and we go from there.” He placed his chin on my head. His breath heated my scalp. I inhaled his cool, woodsy scent and felt that all-too-familiar desire fill me. I snuggled closer, my hand falling to his chest. I felt a similar reaction from him.

“I thought you didn’t want to know things like that. Things about me,” I murmured and caressed his chest with my palm.

“Now, I’m curious.”

“You’re only curious because it involves Nick,” I said.

“Yes, because it involves Nick,” he repeated, stilling my hand with his own. His voice deepened, and he shifted his weight under me. My long experience with men told me that he was secretly adjusting an uncomfortable adjustment to his own body. I smiled to myself. Maybe, we could talk about this later. No one else was home. I could accidentally lock the door. The girls would have to knock, giving us time to become presentable. But no, they would know. I sighed.

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now