Summer: Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Silas considered going home, but he decided that he needed to go somewhere no one could find him quickly. He hit the batting cages.

After two hours of swinging at fast pitched balls and sweating like a racehorse, he drove out to his family’s land and swam in the small lake, cooling his temper.

Angry wasn’t the right word for what he was feeling. He loved Min, but she brought this unnatural reality with her, and it had become part of his and Ashley’s world. Everywhere he looked, those beings popped up, and now Ashley was to be one.

What was Min thinking to get her involved in that? What was Ashley thinking to agree to it?

And then the fact that Min was in his life because of all that…well, that pissed him off, too. She didn’t come into his life because she wanted to. She was forced.

Had she been forced to love him as well? He couldn’t remember if she explained that. All he recollected was that Ashley was to be something else.

He trusted Min to raise the foster children in her care. He trusted her to guide them to adulthood. He trusted her to do what was right.

He trusted her.

Trust was not an easy thing for him, especially in women. Not that he didn’t want to trust people, but it was so difficult at times. The memory of Sarah, and her deceit, pricked at his outer shell. Inside, his ex-wife’s dishonesty and adultery consumed him.

It wasn’t right. He should let her go. Let go of Sarah.

Silas dried off in the afternoon sun as he lounged on top of his car, and reproduced the times with Sarah. In comparison with Min, the memories were faded and worn, like an old photograph. Behind his eyelids, the picture of Min glowed with her light.

Her smile…her warmth…her love. It was all that he needed and more.

Time to let go of Sarah.

As though the physical motion expelled the distrust, he exhaled slowly and deeply through his mouth.

“Min,” he said the name aloud. “Min,” he repeated over and over, breathing out the darkness in his soul.


What was I going to do about Silas? I tried calling his home number: no answer. His cell: voice mail. I was at peace with the problem with Nick. I accepted the circumstance concerning Nicole. I had a promise to Ashley. Silas was now my only worry. Well, the foremost worry.

We couldn’t keep going on like this. Separated for days at a time; hiding in dark corners or behind closed doors just for a few seconds of alone-time; kissing one second and fighting the next. Bell said my love was ‘giddy,’ but to me, it also felt pensive. And no amount of ‘I’m sorry’s’ will help that.

I warned him that life with me would not be a ride in the park. He was given a chance to stay away when he first found out about me being immortal. But he had come back, professing his love and forgiveness for walking out on me in the hospital. And he had promised to never leave me again. He did not promise that he would relish that information or the aspects of it all, but I had hoped he would understand. I had hoped.

Everyone was home by eight o’clock that night. Silas still had not returned my numerous phone calls or messages on his answering machine and cell phone. And I could not drive over to see him. There was no one who could stay with the girls while I was gone. Sylvia had to leave and explain the four shopping bags in her car to her husband, and Mrs. Baker was still not talking to me. I would just have to wait him out.

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now