Summer: Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-eight

Harlan strode out of the hospital, shimmering out of the façade of a pimple-faced orderly into His normal, unique appearance. His balance jerked steadily as He attempted to cool His heels. The girl’s proposal scared the crap out of Him. If Claire decided to marry that man in order to adopt the girl’s baby, He would loose her forever.

And Claire would do it. She was that type of person, sacrificing herself for others. The girl would only have to turn those freaky green eyes on her, and Claire would give anything she asked.

He had to get the mother to take back the girl. That was the only choice He had. Influence may claim that His power didn’t work because of the restriction on Him, but Harlan knew better. It didn’t work on Silas Blake because Claire’s botched-up melding did something that prevented it. He didn’t know what that was, but He would eventually figure it out.

Until then, He had another job for Influence…and Cat, He supposed. She would be needed to make it all happen.

Claire could not be allowed to adopt that baby.


The next few days were tense. Silas was kind enough to muscle Nicole’s bed downstairs so she could be with the others during the day, and get some decent rest during the night. But since she was so visible to everyone, every grunt, groan, moan, and shift against the headboard caught the attention of anyone nearby.

“I’m fine,” Nicole said to me again. “Dr. Moore said that I might still have those Braxton Hicks things until my due date. They don’t hurt so much now.”

“I know,” I sighed thickly. “I should really just leave you alone, shouldn’t I?”

She saw the tears shining in my eyes. “Nah,” she smiled, “I kinda like the fussing.”

Silas visited a few hours everyday, but mostly, he spent his free time working on the attic remodeling in his house. He seemed eager to finish it for some reason. In fact, he told me that he changed the plans and was now making it into a bedroom suite, complete with dual closets and a bathroom. I’d just grin and shake my head when he rattled off all the miniscule details he felt were needed.

“Whatever makes you happy, Silas,” I would tell him if he asked my opinion. “It is your house. You can do whatever you wish to it.”

And he would look at me oddly and then talk about his plans for closet organization.

Also, everyday at five o’clock, Nick would hop over to see if his train arrived through the mail yet. Silas caught wind of this pattern and decided that was the perfect time for a visit as well.

“I’m sorry, Nick,” I’d tell my neighbor as I could hear Silas’ threatening breathing in the background, “it didn’t come today. Are you sure your buddy sent it?”

“I knew I should’ve just gone after it myself,” Nick grumbled quietly, and then he would ask after Nicole or one of the other girls, or ask if anyone wanted to join them down at the bowling alley. If Seth had a league game that night, usually someone was there to cheer him on.

All the while, fully conscience of Silas shooting daggers at him from behind my back.

But Nick would just smile his kind smile, wave at anyone passing through the open door, and say, “Sorry to disturb you,” and go home.

I took it all with a grain of salt.

As the end of June neared, my alone time with Silas since Nicole’s hospitalization totaled zip, and my patience was not far behind that. I couldn’t sleep at night for fear that Nicole’s false contractions would relapse, and I couldn’t relax during the day due to the everyday chaos of living in a house full of young, hormonal ladies.

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now