Summer: Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-nine

Seth used the excuse that he left his cell phone in the car to get away from Nick. As soon as he was out of his “uncle’s” sight, he strode directly to the copse of trees at the far end of the park. Cat was there waiting on him.

She smiled seductively and took his hand. She led him further into the trees, away from the eyes of the public. As soon as they were secluded, She went into his arms, quickly unfastening his belt buckle.

Seth’s vibrant urges got the better of him, and he sated them in Her against the trunk of a pine tree. She simpered and tinkled a knowing laugh as he groaned to a close and slumped over Her body.

“You are a naughty boy,” She said. “Have you done what I’ve asked you to do?”

Seth jerked his pants up around his hips. “I’m trying,” he said. “He’s gained a conscience.”

Cat’s turquoise eyes flared. “Then take it away from him,” She spat in his face.

“What do You want me to do? Every time I approach the subject, he seizes up, or he using his power and convinces me that I’m wrong. And I believe him. He’s refusing to do his task. He likes the woman.”

She tapped Her finger against Her lips. “I hate that woman,” she mumbled. “She’s turning everything around on Me. There’s only one other option.”

In the process of buckling his belt, Seth froze. “You mean Clara? You said you wouldn’t hurt the girl.”

“And I won’t,” She said with an angry voice. Cat didn’t like it when he debated Her devices. He had to regain his composure, or he would never see Her again. “Just threaten him with it.”

Seth expelled a breath. “Okay.”

Cat tipped his face up and lathered a kiss on his mouth. Instantly, his loins reacted. He may be young, but he was spoiled by Her. She felt his need and chuckled evilly.

“My, you are a greedy one.”

He reached for Her again, but She shoved him away. “No. Until you do your job, I’m cutting you off.”

“But Cat…”

She sneered at his pathetic voice and vanished. Just great. He glanced down at the protrusion bulging in his pants. Now what was he supposed to do?

His thoughts skittered to Min. Cat hated her for some reason. Seth didn’t get it. Min was the sweetest woman he’d ever met, and she was hot. Even more gorgeous and succulent than Cat. And he would never express that opinion to Cat on his life…or it would be his life at stake.

He took a few minutes to release his bodily pain, picturing Min in his mind. Late at night, when his body needed a soft woman, he thought about her. Her sweet, innocent face colliding with a body to give a man a heart attack. Those long, silky legs wrapped around him, that lush mouth licking at him…

Nick was an idiot. If Seth had been given the job to seduce her, he would have had her on the first night. But she thought he was eighteen, and not the real age of twenty-three. He was a man, dammit! He had needs.

And Cat wasn’t around long enough to satisfy all of them. As he left the trees, he spotted the woman Cat hated so much. She was with her cluster of girls. Mae and Amber were there, and he considered skirting the park to avoid them.

Mae was a caramel-skinned beauty with a witty mind, and Amber was a fierce tigress waiting to escape. Too bad they were just children. He liked them both, and admired their bodies even more. However, if he planted one finger on either of them, Cat’s fury would not hold a candle to what Min would do to him.

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now