Summer: Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

The young man melted into the shadows of the boxcar behind him.  He waited.

Smooth hands covered his eyes and he jumped.  Turning, he said, “I'm taking a big chance meeting You here.”

Cat's seductive giggle awoke something in him.  She had been avoiding him lately, and he didn't like it one bit.  He reached for Her, but She stepped away.

“We need to push ahead,” She said.  “Desi has failed.”

He knew what She meant, however all he could think about was Her.  “When can I see You again?”

Cat laughed again.  “When you've completed your task, I'll be waiting.”

She phased to a visible whisper and stepped through his body.  Electric shivers coalesced through his muscles and the ecstasy that followed left him flushed and shaking.  Then She was gone.

He went back to work, knowing that as soon as he finished Her request of him, they would finally be together, as was the secret desire of every Watcher.


That afternoon, we received Ashley’s jump-start towards becoming the next Essence of Balance.  A thick envelope appeared in the mailbox.  Ashley handed it to me with shaking fingers.

I tore open the envelope.  Inside was a letter.  I read it quickly and Ashley peeked over my shoulder.

“Well, it looks like you’re on your way,” I said to her.  She nodded her pale face.  “How do we tell Amber?”

“Tell Amber what?”  On cue, the big sister entered the room.

Ashley turned scared eyes to me.  I squeezed her hand and said to Amber, “Your sister has been awarded a fellowship.”

“A what?  To where?”  Amber did not like what she was hearing.

I explained, using the lie Ashley and I agreed on, “Ashley entered an essay contest a few months ago.  She is a top ten finalist and was awarded a fellowship with the National Youth Leadership Foundation.”

Amber looked floored.  “What?”

“Your sister has a chance to learn about the world around her.  This fellowship is the first step to becoming an advocate.  She will be able to go places that she’s only seen on TV—“

“No,” Amber said, firmly.

“Amber,” I said, “this is a good opportunity for Ashley.  Don’t you want her to—“

“No, she’s not going anywhere.  She’s fourteen years old.”

“I’m right here!” Ashley shouted at her sister.  “You can speak to me.”

“You’re fourteen,” Amber said.  “You’re staying right here where I can watch over you.”

I softened my voice, “Amber—“


“Amber,” I said, more sternly, “it’s not like she’s leaving tomorrow.  The Foundation won’t allow minors younger than eighteen to travel alone.  Until then, she will study the programs here and we can go with her on the trips until she is old enough.”

“No,” Amber said, but the heat was fading from her voice fast.

“Amber,” Ashley whined.  “You always do this.  Why can’t you see that I’m not a child any more?  I want to do this.  You can’t take care of me forever.”

The Summer of Bells:  The Essences Saga - Book #2Where stories live. Discover now